Pictured left to right are Emma Mosley president, Flora Conley vice-president, Penny Schneider, corresponding secretary, Martha Bergman, co-recording secretary, Leslie Miller, co-recording secretary and Judy Layton, treasurer.
Penny Schneider
The installation of the 2015-2016 officers for Arizona Chapter Q of the National T.T.T. Society took place in the Milan Room of the Tuscany Falls Clubhouse this past spring. Officially, each officer takes over her duties when the fiscal year begins for the society on October 1 of each new year. The officers are Emma Mosley president, Flora Conley vice-president, Penny Schneider, corresponding secretary, Martha Bergman, co-recording secretary, Leslie Miller, co-recording secretary and Judy Layton, treasurer.
Each office has the usual duties that keep the club in working order. In addition, our officers are actively involved in all aspects of the chapter’s mission of sending deserving young girls to summer camp. Fundraising is the vehicle that gives the chapter the necessary funds to equip and clothe our girls. Our main fundraiser for the past three years has been our annual fashion show and luncheon. Behind each committee and its component for the fashion show is an officer that assists the members in focusing on the end result—the funds needed. Officers are the leaders of our dynamic group of members that contributes their time, talent and treasures.
Are you looking for a group of women that spend their time focused on giving back to today’s youth? Our mission of providing a summer camp experience for deserving fourth grade girls will fulfill that purpose. Arizona Chapter Q is beginning their fifth year of working with Heritage Elementary School. The school principal plus his staff has been most supportive and appreciative of our providing the means for their students to have this chance at camping.
If interested, please contact Emma Mosley, president, at 623-535-5966 or Cynthia Bush, organizer, at 602-531-1401 for more information.