Hot Shots Are Back!

Front row: Peter Estelle, Dave Henry, and Dan Schimmelfinnig. Back row: Richard Marginson, Martin Farrell, Dave Kersey, Dave Bee, and Randy Planck.

Donna Gillen

On March 2, the 4.0 men’s tennis team, Hot Shots, played their final game of the 2022 season. This 4.0+ men’s team has been a dominant force in the West Valley age 55+ Tennis League since their inception in 2015 (barring no play last year in 2021).

Their dedication and fortitude have produced an exceptional team. As fellow Creekers, we should be so proud of what they have done to put our community on the A-list in tennis.

The team captain is David Henry, and the co-captain is David Bee. This amazing team has been, for the most part, the same eight active members since inception. Their bond is strong. When asked how to become a member, the team captain looks for members who play at a 4.0 skill level; this is an incredible level.

David Henry indicated that the biggest expectation for the team members is to “Just win baby!” as well as be a team player and be available to play as much as possible.

Who are these teams that the Hot Shots compete against? There are five teams in the league: Sun City Grand, Sun City Festival, Trilogy, Westbrook, and our Hot Shots.

This team enjoys spending off-the-courts time together. They have bonded well and look forward to continuing their unique relationship and their outstanding competitive matches with each other.