Standing, left to right: Peggy Bjornson, Susan Bentson, Liz Fergione, Jackie Schlenker, Vickie Bangs, Pat Murray, Bonnie Stuto, Diane Galewski, Geri McClindon, Irene Bates, Diana Hull and Barb Chilton; seated: Sharon Johnson, Pat DeMatties, Virginia Kitchel and Sue White
Every December Barb Chilton and Sharon Johnson invite friends from various Mah Jongg groups that they play with to one of their homes for a Holiday Brunch and Mah Jongg play. Sixteen ladies attended the event at the home of Barb Chilton. Brunch was served with salad, quiche and fresh fruit along with mimosas. Afterwards the groups were split into four groups. After four games, players switched to another table.
All had a great time and everyone went home with some money from the pishka.