Hikers Enjoy an Urban “Pub Crawl”

Left to right: Kris Raczkiewicz, Lynn Warren (photographer), Steve McElroy, Bill Halte, Stacey Miller, and Neal Wring pausing for a group photo in Goodyear’s Bullard Wash Park. Not pictured: Sandy Mednick, who had to return early.

Lynn Warren

The Hiking Club normally engages in serious hiking but recognizes that another important aspect of the club is social, so staged a hiking version of Octoberfest with a local 7-mile loop around the neighborhood on Oct. 2. The hike started at PebbleCreek much later than usual and stopped at three different establishments, ending at BJ’s for lunch, before returning to Eagle’s Nest. The hike proceeded mostly on sidewalks but also included a scenic section through Bullard Wash Park. The weather cooperated since it was sunny, but not overly hot, and everyone had a great time and is looking forward to this type of event next year. Visit the club website at pchikers.org for more information and photos.