Left to right: Eileen Lords-Mosse, Clare Bangs, Steve McElroy, Dave Ausman (“Ausy”), Mike Tansey, Kris Raczkiewicz, and Lynn Warren (photographer) relaxing at the White Tanks Ford Canyon Dam while celebrating Mike’s accomplishment.
Lynn Warren
Mike Tansey and wife, Ann, both St. Louis natives, have three children: sons in St. Louis and Atlanta, and a daughter in Portland, Ore. It was while their daughter was a student at ASU that Mike visited this area frequently and enjoyed hiking local trails, so Phoenix was a logical retirement choice after a successful IT career with MasterCard. Mike joined the PebbleCreek Hiking Club in 2018 as a snowbird, but eventually became a full-time resident and on July 9, reached the initial hiking milestone of 1,000 miles (approximately 2,500,000 steps) on a 7-mile hike to the dam in scenic Ford Canyon, one of his favorite hikes. It was a hot, humid morning so the group turned around at the dam, but not before celebrating Mike’s accomplishment. Join the club and pursue your own milestones since the club hikes in many interesting areas around the valley, obviously all year round; check the club website at pchikers.org for more information and photos.