“B” Hikers Enjoy Views at Goat Camp Overlook

Left to right, rear: Neal Wring, Kirsten Bray (guest), Gary Bray, and Kris Raczkiewicz; front: Mike Tansey, Steve McElroy, Kelly McElroy, Julie Walmsley, Dave Ausman (“Ausy”), Stacey Miller, and Lynn Warren (photographer) pausing at a scenic overlook area just off the Goat Camp trail with the cell towers visible from PebbleCreek in the background.
Lynn Warren
The nearby White Tank Mountain Park has numerous impressive trails and is a favorite area for PC hikers. One of the steeper, more challenging trails is Goat Camp, leading many years ago to summer grazing and corral areas for goats. Today, the trail is probably best known for leading to the area below the cell towers visible from PebbleCreek. When Gary Bray’s daughter, Kirsten, an experienced hiker, came down from Canada for a short visit around Christmas, she accompanied 10 “B” hikers on an 8-mile hike to an area just off the Goat Camp trail, an overlook which provides spectacular almost 360-degree views of the mountains and valley far below. Hikers like to have fun so you might notice stocking caps and some interesting green outfits, which were appropriate for the holiday season and would fit right in this month for St. Patrick’s Day. Why not join the Hiking Club and experience interesting areas like this with a group that not only likes to hike, but also likes to have fun; see pchikers.org for more information and photos.
“C” and “B” Hikers in the White Tanks

Left to right, front: Tom Wellman, Diana Bedwell, Lynn Warren (photographer), Kelly McElroy, Cheryl Healey, George Healey; middle: Clare Bangs, Nancy Love, George Houle, Neal Wring, Stacey Miller, Diana Houle, Ed Bobigian, Nadine Eder, Tom O’Reilly; top: Ron Hoffman, Dana Thomas, Kris Raczkiewicz, and Mary Hill posing on this interesting rock formation high in the White Tanks.
The hiking club attempts to offer a balance of close-in and more distant hikes with varying degrees of difficulty. On Jan. 30, a group of 19 “C” and “B” hikers combined to challenge cool, overcast conditions and enjoyed a 9-mile hike with almost 2,000 ft. of elevation gain in the White Tanks, the mountain range just west of Loop 303 and visible from PebbleCreek. Although the group didn’t really get rained on, there were enough sprinkles to create wet rocks so the group had to tread carefully in a few steeper, rocky areas. Fortunately, there were no real incidents and the group returned unscathed to the parking lot after taking a short lunch break high in the mountains. The hiking club offers hikes appropriate for most levels of fitness; join the club and enjoy the Arizona outdoors with a great group of people. Visit the club website at pchikers.org for more information and photos.
Hiker Reaches Significant Milestone

Left to right: Kris Raczkiewicz, Laurie Rosenbloom, Nancy Love, Nadine Eder, Judy Grant, Ron Hoffman, Clare Bangs, Tom Wellman, Dana Thomas, Sandy Mednick, Wayne Wills, Lynn Warren (photographer), and Diana Bedwell pausing to document Tom’s milestone at the top of one of the climbs in Deem Hills Park in northwest Phoenix.
Lynn Warren
On Feb. 6, Tom Wellman and 12 fellow hikers enjoyed champagne, orange juice, and delicious homemade cookies to celebrate Tom’s milestone after completing a scenic but somewhat strenuous 8-mile hike up and down the terrain in nearby Deem Hills Park. Tom is a native Alaskan and retired after a successful career in the oil industry, particularly in Indonesia. Currently snowbirds, Tom and wife Jeanette decided that Arizona and PebbleCreek were much better choices for winter than cold Alaska. Tom joined the hiking club in 2011 and, in addition to hiking almost 500 hikes, has served the club in numerous ways, including serving on the Safety Committee and being a Hike Coordinator and Trip Organizer. He discovered that many of his managerial skills transferred nicely from his previous work experience. Why not join the Hiking Club and experience interesting areas that you might not visit on your own, and chase your own milestones; see pchikers.org for more information and photos.
Dogbone Hike

Dogbone hikers included Dennis Zigmunt, Laurie Rosenbloom, George Houle, Diana Houle, Kay Thomas, Terry Hale, Pat Wilson, Tom Wellman, Nancy Love, and Mary Hill. (Photo by Dana Thomas)
Ruth Bindler
Hikers from PebbleCreek set off on a 7 ½ mile hike on the trailhead called Dogbone East, part of Maricopa Trails in Buckeye Hills. It was a stunning day with many beautiful poppies poking their heads up along the way. This predicts a lush desert bloom in the area this spring. However, predicting the years when there will be a significant wildflower bloom is difficult, depending on autumn rain for germination and regular rain during the winter months. The Maricopa Trail system contains about 35 trails comprising 320 miles. The PebbleCreek Hiking Club has over 10 hikes weekly of varying distances, elevations, and speeds. Visit the website pchikers.org or come to a monthly meeting on the third Monday of the month, at 7 p.m., in the Eagle’s Nest Palm Room to learn more. See photos of wildflower blooms from other years on the club website.