…and so it begins (photo by Alan Kornbluth)
Gloria Kornbluth
Our annual High Holiday Services will be led by Rabbi David Meyer. We will have Rosh Hashanah with a Kiddush luncheon to follow on Sept. 16, Kol Nidre on Sept. 24, and Yom Kippur services on Sept. 24. Services are open to all residents of PebbleCreek.
The cost for all three services, including the Kiddush, is $60 per person by June 30. The price will increase to $70 per person thereafter.
Checks should be made payable to PC Shalom Club and mailed to: Gloria Kornbluth, 15687 W. Avalon Dr., Goodyear, AZ 85395. If you have questions, please call Gloria at 623-398-8819.