“Happy Days are still here” with the Shalom Club elections

Shalom Club President Phil Zeidman

Shalom Club President Phil Zeidman

Brenda Hyman

Dateline—January 18, 2015—PC Shalom Club meets to nosh bagels/lox and elect new officers for 2015. Here are our new officers:

President Phil Zeidman, Vice President Marsha Langfuss, Treasurer Carl Schatz, Secretary Barbara Peskin, Membership Gail Drucker, Program-Meetings Laurie Farquhar, Program-Jewish Celebrations Tanya Miller, Program-Events Judy Ruck, Publicity Brenda Hyman, Hospitality/Member Updates Christi Houser, Hospitality/Member Updates Ann Silverstein.

Many members volunteered to fill the upcoming vacant board positions. What a club! We are so proud of our members and our officers. We make a great team!

February 6, 2015—The PebbleCreek Shalom Club’s Anniversary party is about to happen! It will be a gala celebration of our 20th anniversary honoring founding members, past and present presidents and a few surprises for everyone. Did you say the password was Swordfish? Is there a bathtub in the room? Are there any gangsters lurking in the corners? The Roaring ‘20s are here complete with flappers, machine guns, molls, fabulous dinner, dessert, dancing and surprises throughout the evening! The cost is $25 per person for members and $45 per person for nonmembers. This will be the most extravagant party we have ever had. Why not? It is honoring our fabulous 20 years here in PebbleCreek. For further information please contact Joan Wendroff at [email protected]. Charleston anyone?

As February proceeds, we have our Book Club on February 13 at Tuscany Falls Clubhouse at 10:00 a.m. chaired by Arlene Silverman. Wherever You Go-A Novel by Joan Leegant will be the topic of discussion. It is sure to be exciting and stimulating. Please join us.

Our next general meeting will be February 15 followed by our annual Sports Day on March 15. Back by popular demand is the Turf Paradise outing (in conjunction with the Italian–American Club) on April 13. Please look to our website: www.pcshalomclub.org for additional information and signups.

The PebbleCreek Shalom Club is open to all residents who have an interest in the Jewish holidays, events and history. We meet the third Sunday of each month in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom at 6:30 p.m. The dues are $30 per year. For additional information, please contact Gail Drucker, membership chair at [email protected] or phone 623-374-7801.
