James Prette
You are invited to join us at PebbleCreek Community Church on Sunday, September 25 at 9:00 a.m. Dr. Prette will be the guest speaker.
Dr. and Mrs. Prette also will be leading half-day spiritual retreats on Saturday, October 29. Everyone is invited. Please mark the dates. More details to follow in the October PebbleCreek Post.
At the retreat Liz will be discussing such issues for women as Facing Fear and Anxiety with Courage, Life as Living with a Series of Losses, Female Friendships – the Blessing of God.
At the men’s retreat, James will be focusing on the New Testament letter of Titus, speaking on: Men and Their Relationships with the Church, Men and Their Relationships with Each Other, Men and Their Relationships with Their Neighbors and Men and Their Relationships with God.
James Prette, with over 40 years of ministry experience, has a passion to help people understand and live the Christian life. He has endeavored to communicate the eternal truth of the Gospel in the continually changing context of contemporary culture. He is a popular speaker and seminar leader. He is also a compassionate pastor and counselor. James grew up in Victoria, BC Canada, obtaining a BFA in Visual Arts and Theatre from UVic. In 1985 he joined the staff of Young Life of Canada, serving in Kelowna, Vancouver and Victoria. He was the Director of Training and Spiritual Foundations for Young Life of Canada while serving as an Associate Pastor at Lambrick Park Church in Victoria.
Liz is a woman who has always engaged with faith from the perspective of relationships – to Christ, others and ourselves. For 35 years she has practiced living it out in the contexts of working and volunteering for churches, Young Life and counseling settings. Liz is a marriage and family therapist. At the present time, she is excited to enter more deeply into vulnerability, grace, mystery, contemplation, spiritual disciplines and community with those around her.
Please join us at PebbleCreek Community Church each week on Sunday mornings 9:00 a.m. at Eagle’s Nest Ballroom.