The ladies from left to right are Barbara Potter Arnold, Donna Borseth Romain, Joan Eckert, Paulette Stone, Bonnie Snyder and Ada Bundschuh; missing is Joann Yealey.
Pat Atkinson
All women who live in PebbleCreek are members of the GoodTime Gals. Come alone or bring a friend to any of our activities. The GoodTime Gals have an email to send you news and announcements. Pat Atkinson and LuJean Anderson are your 2015 coordinators.
We celebrated milestone birthdays at Hand and Foot recently. We applaud these gals. The ages and interests of our gals are wide reaching. We are married, single and widowed. We love to be active and we all love living in PebbleCreek.
Dinner Bunch on March 31, 2015 will be at Mimi’s Café on 1220 North Dysart Road, Goodyear, Arizona. All PebbleCreek gals are welcome. Come alone or bring a friend. We just meet at the restaurant by 5:30 p.m. Please contact Pat Atkinson at 623-536-4830 or [email protected] by Friday, March 27, 2015 for reservations. Cancellations are appreciated.
Mexican Train: First Tuesday; Please be there by 12:30 p.m., Eagle’s Nest Palm Room. Come learn, play and meet new gals. You’ll enjoy this Domino game. If you don’t know how to play we can help you learn. Bring $1.30 in change. Cheryl Davies 935-5191
Progressive Hand & Foot: Thank you to our Friday hostesses for all their help. We play every Friday at 12:30 p.m. at the Eagle’s Nest Palm Room. Join us in playing this fast paced game the GoodTime Gals way. We will help you learn how to play the GoodTime Gals way. Please arrive by 12:30 p.m. Bring $2 ($1 plus four quarters) to play each week.
To be added to our email list contact us at [email protected] with your name, address and phone number. You can always reach LuJean and Pat by email or phone: LuJean at 623-536-2204 [email protected] and Pat at 623-536-4830 [email protected].