Bill Barnard, General Manager
This time of year typically brings cooler weather to the Valley, is when we start seeing winter visitors return, and is when we begin to feel the anticipation of the holiday season upon us. I, typically, give thanks to people in my November (early December for newspaper readers) message in the spirit of Thanksgiving. This year, I’m not so sure anything is typical and certainly not what we had planned for. The unexpected events of the year have turned our lives upside down, and as we approach year-end, the feeling of uncertainty is still present. I am certain, however, that this community’s efforts to stay healthy and safe have made a difference. Please remain vigilant in keeping yourselves well.
In my message this month, I want to thank you, every single PebbleCreek resident, for your support and understanding as, together, we have gone through some very difficult times. I want to let you know how grateful my staff and I are for the support you have shown through necessary facility closures, re-openings, and numerous other changes. I want to thank you for your patience shown as event fees were refunded, operating hours were changed, and services adjusted. I also want to thank you for the kind words and encouragement that many of you have shown to me and our staff. So, thank you all.
I also want to thank my team of staff members, many of whom experienced work furloughs, reduced hours, and changes and additions of duties these past months. They are a resilient and committed group of individuals. I want to thank the volunteers who serve on the ALC, Golf, Election, and Rules Committees that continued to help make operating PebbleCreek possible. Also, a special thanks to our resident board members, Bob Parks and Steve Harper, who gave tirelessly as volunteers to serve PebbleCreek. Their efforts have been essential this year.
Looking back at this year, and over the last 20 years that I have been a part of PebbleCreek, I never stop being amazed by the spirit of volunteerism and genuine desire to help others shown by so many in this community. I say thanks to all of you reading this that help their neighbors, their community, the animals, the environment—whatever you do to make a difference. You all define the spirit of the holiday season. Thank you!
While the challenges presented by COVID-19 are still with us, I am looking to the end of the year with hope that 2021 will be better for all of us. On behalf of my entire operations team, cheers to you all, and I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving. Stay safe and healthy.