General Manager’s Message

Bill Barnard

As the holiday season is upon us, we are now experiencing the cooler weather we all look forward to, our winter residents are here, and the activity levels in the community are high. For me, this time of year reminds me of the importance of connection and appreciation. In my message this month, I would like to acknowledge all of the people who contribute their time, effort, and talent for the good of the community.

I would like to recognize the many volunteers who offer their expertise and knowledge to help make PebbleCreek the wonderful place that it is. Thanks to the men and women who serve on the ALC, Golf, Rules, and Election Committees. These four HOA Committees work to enhance homeowners’ needs. There are also so many volunteers throughout PebbleCreek in groups such as Kare Bears; LifeLong Learning; Transition Advisory Group; Libraries; Creative Arts Council; Performing Arts Council; the sports associations consisting of golf, pickleball, tennis, bocce, and softball; as well as the many other associations and clubs that are too numerous to list. A special thanks, as well, to our resident board members, Bob Paine and Jack Gregory, who serve diligently, as volunteers, to help PebbleCreek. The many hours that all of these individuals dedicate is truly a deed of giving back.

I would also like to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of our staff members who show resilience through all challenges. Staff in Golf, Food and Beverage, Facilities, Patrol, Resident and Guest Services, Front Gates, Housekeeping, Fitness, Activities, ALC, Creative Arts, Finance, Administration, and Communications continuously run HOA operations in an efficient and quality manner amongst ever-changing conditions. I thank each and every one of our staff members for their perseverance, dedication, and commitment to PebbleCreek.

Last month in November we honored our veterans. I would like to personally extend my thank you to all of the veterans who have served, or are serving, and who have given so much to protect us all.

I have been part of PebbleCreek for over 20 years and I am always impressed by the spirit of giving and the desire to help shown by so many in this community. I say thanks to all of you who help your community and neighborsor whatever you do to make a difference. I am grateful to all of you for your continued support. You are the heart of what makes PebbleCreek so special. Let’s take this time to show our togetherness, kindness, and enthusiasm. On behalf of our entire operations team, I wish you and your loved ones a warm, joyful holiday season.