General Manager’s Message

In the holiday season, it becomes more evident the diversity that our world is made up of. People across the country celebrate this time of year according to their heritage, traditions and beliefs. What binds us and brings together people of different race, religion and custom is the universal desire to live in peace, harmony and happiness.

I think that PebbleCreek is just a smaller version of the world at large; made up of people with many different backgrounds, races, religions, countries of origin and sets of beliefs, but all connected by the community that we share together. During this holiday season, as we celebrate with our own traditions or those of others within your own family, neighborhood or community, I encourage you to embrace the things that are different or engage in something new. Let us hold onto that spirit of unity, harmony and peace and apply it to our community neighbors not just today, but all year long. By doing this, I believe that we can make a difference in each other’s lives and greatly enrich our own.

On behalf of the entire staff here at PebbleCreek, I want to wish you and yours a very wonderful holiday season and New Year!

“May your walls know joy; may every room hold laughter and every window open to great possibility” – Mary Anne Radmacher-Hershey.