Genealogy Club Special Interest Groups Help with Research

Denise Beeson

The Genealogy Club is now meeting live in the Eagle’s Nest Palm Room on the second Monday of the month from 9 a.m. to noon. We have recently established Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to assist our members with their research areas. The following are the SIGS and their host. You can contact them via email if you are interested.

* Barbara Downey, [email protected], is the host for the Beginning Genealogist.

* DNA SIG host is Kevin Campbell, [email protected].

* Bryon and Kathy Koch, [email protected], host the Eastern European SIG including Germany, Poland, and Ukraine.

* Marilyn Kinnie, [email protected], hosts the Colonia America SIG.

* Rick Sothen, [email protected], hosts the genealogy book creation SIG.

Other SIGs will be created as needed. Most SIGs meet prior to the general meeting, which begins at 10 a.m. and/or called by the host.

The March meeting featured our long-time member Kevin Campbell on understanding DNA. It was very well-attended considering it was the first in-person meeting in some time. The April meeting presented by Gary Marrer, [email protected], provided our members with tips and tricks using the website.

All PebbleCreek residents interested in genealogy, at whatever level, are welcome to join us.