MaryRose Gangle at the Garden Club Information and Membership Table (photo by Ruthette Kennedy)
Ruthette Kennedy
Do you have an interest in gardening? Are you interested in receiving ideas and inspiration for your home’s landscape? If you would like to meet neighbors with a love of gardening, then the Garden Club of PebbleCreek is a great place for you to learn more about plants, exchange ideas, ask questions, hear speakers, attend field trips, and participate in other group activities, such as our “Beyond the Garden Gate” plant sales. After all, gardening is one of the most popular hobbies in our country.
Founded in the fall of 2021, we are currently a group of 78 members with annual dues of $20. You are cordially invited to our next meeting, being held Oct. 10 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. in the Palm Room at Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse. Meetings are held the second Tuesday of every month October through April.
If you are an excellent gardener—You’ll love meeting other experts and sharing your knowledge with like-minded members. We have a number of Master Gardeners in the club.
If you are an awful gardener—Come learn how not to kill every plant … especially if you are new to our low-desert environment! We host horticultural workshops for our members at all levels of expertise. We also have dynamic speakers at our monthly meetings. The diverse mixture of women and men who comprise our membership have a vast accumulation of knowledge that they’re willing to share.
No matter your level of experience—Simply put, gardens bring people together. Join us, and you’ll have a whole club of new friends bound together by a love of gardens.
Any questions, email us at [email protected]. More information is available on our website at www.pcgardenclub.org. We look forward to welcoming you to our club!