Former Muslim to Be March Speaker at Men’s Christian Fellowship Gathering

Al Fadi

Curt Zimmerman

The next meeting of the Men’s Christian Fellowship of PebbleCreek (MCFPC) will be on Wednesday, March 5 at 7:30 a.m. in the Tuscany Falls Chianti Room with special guest Al Fadi, a former devout Muslim, from Saudi Arabia and follower of Christ. Fadi will provide an update on his activities since speaking to the group five years ago.

He again will provide an update on the reform movement in Islam and discuss the differences between Christianity and Islam. Al Fadi, the founder and CEO of CIRA (Center for Islamic Research and Awareness) International, a consulting agency focused on training and equipping leaders in the field of Islamic Studies and Political Islam. Al Fadi has also hosted a popular radio show called “Let Us Reasona Dialogue with Al Fadi.”

He has been a frequent guest on various media outlets, such as Fox News, Janet Parshall “In the Market,” and numerous other radio and TV shows. He is a guest lecturer and visiting adjunct in the field of Islamic Studies, Political Islam, and Islamic Terrorism, at several conservative colleges and seminaries including Arizona State University, Arizona Christian and Grand Canyon Universities, and the Phoenix Seminary.

The February meeting featured Goodyear Councilman Brannon Hampton who addressed a large gathering to highlight Goodyear and West Valley growth, which is one of the fastest growing regions in the Nation.

The MCFPC is a group of 165 Christian men that convene monthly programs, the first Wednesday of the month, with guest speakers on the Christian faith. Plan to arrive early and enjoy a cup of coffee, all men residing in PebbleCreek are invited to come. For more information contact President Igor Shpudejko at [email protected] or 602-384-6496.