Fall Wii Bowling season news

Melissa Kallett

The fall season of Wii Bowling is set to return. Open registration runs from Aug. 5 through Aug 16, at the EN Activities office. Due to its popularity, entrance into the league is by lottery, which will be held on Aug. 19. The actual season, which accommodates 240 players, runs on Thursdays from Sept. 12 through Nov. 14, at the TF Clubhouse Chianti Room. The Twi-Lite session plays from 4:30 to 6:00 p.m., and the evening session plays from 6:30 to 8:00 p.m.

Cost is $20 per person, with an additional $1 per player collected each week. Interested Wii’ers can either sign up as a full team of six people, or as individuals or any combo up to six. Incomplete teams will be made full as registration forms are received, as only full teams will participate in the lottery. On lottery day (Aug. 19), any incomplete teams unfortunately won’t be included in the lottery. Rather those persons will form a wait list should substitute players be needed prior to the start of the season.

Just what is Wii Bowling? It’s an interactive, fun game involving moderate activity and a remote-control device. The wireless control looks much like your TV remote, and while you swing your arm, the device mimics the actions of rolling the ball down the alley. The result is projected on a TV screen. The pins go flying, you rack up the score and it’s just that easy! No previous experience at playing Nintendo games is required because this game is easy to learn.

Interested players need proceed to the Activities Center in Eagle’s Nest and sign up for the Wii Bowling League. Let the games begin!