Sherri VanSchaick
The PebbleCreek Art Club has a very exciting and robust year ahead of them offering many new classes for both the beginning and the more advanced artist. Check out the Expressions Gallery for a list of the upcoming classes. Open workshops in the Coyote Room Thursdays and Fridays (1:00 to 4:00 p.m.) provide a casual venue for working on your own piece with mentoring available in most disciplines. Dee Smart provides a critiquing session the first Thursday of the month at 1:00 p.m. for finished as well as unfinished pieces. The classes, open studio and critiquing sessions are open to all PebbleCreek residents. The Art Club meets the last Friday of the month September through May at 9:00 a.m. in the Coyote Room. December is the exception when we have our Christmas Party and announce the Artist of the Year. The meetings begin with guest speakers who discuss art opportunities within Arizona as well as new art techniques.
This year we will be transforming to an online class/activity scheduling program. PebbleCreek resident Art Club members and nonmembers will sign up for classes from their own computers (in their PJs) from anywhere. All classes/activities will be announced via email, eGroup and meetings with signups available to everyone at the same time. As of July 1 all classes will be scheduled through the new online program, paying with credit cards. Art Club members will receive an email inviting them to join the website March 1. If you are not a member but wish to sign up for a class there will be a folder in the gallery as of March 1st with directions.
Please contact Sherri VanSchaick if you have any questions – [email protected] or 623-680-7002.