Jerry Sheridan and Mark Lamb
enna Ridgeway
Sheriff Mark Lamb. The evening of March 7 began with a rousing speech from U.S. Senate candidate Mark Lamb. Mark explained how he went from being a businessman, to a 12–year lawman, and then Pinal County Sheriff for the last eight years where he has tried to help restore balance and order to the world of chaos. Sheriff Lamb related how he worked in situations guided by evidence not emotion, and how that would help him operate in a bipartisan role as a U.S. Senator. He feels the top four objectives to address in the Senate are the southern border, the economy, crime, and national security.
Jerry Sheridan. The Maricopa Sheriff runs the third largest jail system in the U.S., and Jerry Sheridan presented the Republican Club the platform of why he wants this job. His 40 years with the Maricopa Sheriff’s department, including the rank of Deputy Sheriff and 12 years as head of jails, warrant his desire to become Sheriff. His aspiration to keep the public safe and protect their rights is the force that guides his proposal of “Defending Freedom and Ensuring Safety.” Jerry spoke to the crowd about his experience, his policies, and how he was urged to run from his fellow law enforcers even after he had retired.