Patrol Director John Singleton, Employee of the Month Sue Tanner and HOA Board President John Kiekbusch
In an August ceremony, Resident & Guest Services team member Sue Tanner was recognized by the PebbleCreek HOA Board of Directors as Employee of the Month. Sue has served the community at the Resident & Guest Services desks for more than 10 years. Nominated by Molly Lisowski, Resident & Guest Services Supervisor, Sue is a well-deserving recipient of this honor. In addition to her many years on staff, Sue consistently provides homeowners and guests with outstanding service. Her knowledge of the community and her love of the job are evident to one and all.
But the accolades don’t stop there. Recently, Sue got to wear a different hat, so to speak. Due to a medical leave, Sue – who always said she could never “be the boss” – had to step into the shoes of her supervisor and take charge of day-to-day operations of both the Eagle’s Nest and Tuscany Falls Resident & Guest Services desks. Sue proved to be very capable in this unexpected role. Her efforts were not only appreciated by the rest of the team but also by our homeowners, many of whom shared their praise for Sue and the entire Resident & Guest Services Staff. Sue’s ability to encourage, direct and manage her fellow team members is just another reason she is so deserving of Employee of the Month. Sue is a valued employee and friend to many at PebbleCreek. Congratulations, Sue!