Election Essentials

Gordon Seaman and Priscilla Wardlow, PebbleCreek Election Committee

On Monday, February 4 homeowners began voting briskly on whether or not to pass the Community Enhancement Fee (CEF) Amendment to the CC&Rs of PebbleCreek. Voting will continue through March 31 and voting totals are being updated weekly in PebbleNews, our community’s weekly eNewsletter. Despite all of this interest, some people haven’t received their ballots yet and we want to make sure you get one. It’s important for everyone to have their voice heard!

Obtaining a ballot

Ballots were sent out electronically on February 4 under the email of [email protected]. If you have an email address on file with the HOA and did not receive an email inviting you to vote, it is possible that it was put in your spam folder or blocked by your internet service. Simply request a new invitation to vote by emailing [email protected] and one will be sent to you within one business day.

If you were expecting a paper ballot and did not receive it, or if you prefer to vote on paper, you may pick up a ballot package at either of the clubhouse front desks during working hours or request one by calling 623-935-6779.

Voting Process

If you have difficulty with the voting process, please email [email protected] or call 623-935-7814 to reach the Election Committee for help.

Background on the CEF

For more information on the CEF, please visit the CEF Reading Room on the HOA website (there is a link on the private home page of the HOA website at www.pebblecreekhoa.org.) This page contains links to a variety of documents and charts that explain the amendment, its potential impact on the community and possible alternatives. If you have additional questions about the amendment, please email [email protected].

Many thanks to the community for making your wishes known!