Election Essentials

Your vote for the PCHOA Board counts

Susan Knox Wilson

When it’s time to vote, it’s easy to come up with reasons not to. “I’m too busy. I don’t know where to get a ballot.” Or this one, repeated over and over by people across America (not just PebbleCreek), “My vote doesn’t count, so what’s the point?”

Here are a few reasons why your vote does count:

You’re only one person, but you make a difference. If hundreds of people decline to participate in our election process because they think their votes don’t count, the people who do turn out to vote become much more powerful. Are their voices really more important than yours? Your vote is your voice. Elect to be heard.

You can vote from literally anywhere in the world. With our online voting process, you can vote using your computer, from anywhere. If you require a paper ballot, it’s as easy as visiting the Eagle’s Nest Front Desk. If the process seems overwhelming or confusing, contact [email protected].

You live in a democracy. Voting is one of your most precious American rights. Enough said.

And perhaps most importantly…

The last two PebbleCreek HOA Board elections were decided by less than five votes!

2018 Election Process

Who can vote?

Eligible voters are defined as “one homeowner of record per unit/lot.” One vote per lot. Regardless of the number of owners of any lot, there can be just one vote per lot. Any attempts to cast an additional ballot will be denied.

If a homeowner owns multiple lots, VoteHOANow.com will send only one invitation to these voters with the notification of the “weighting” their vote will carry. In other words, if a person owns three lots, they will get one invitation to vote which will say their vote has a weighting of three or one vote for each lot owned. If a voter who owns multiple lots wishes to cast a different vote for each lot owned, they must request a paper ballot for each lot.

Renters or lessees are ineligible to vote.

Anyone who becomes a homeowner of record after Friday, October 26 and prior to Thursday, November 15 and who wants to vote, can ask for a paper ballot from the Eagle’s Nest Front Desk.

(For additional details on eligibility see the Master Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for PebbleCreek Golf Resort, ARTICLE VI. Membership and Voting.)

How to vote

Online voting is available 24/7 to registered homeowners. For the second year, our on-line voting process is being managed by VoteHOANow.com, which proved to be quick, easy to use and yielded an unprecedented turnout for the 2017 election.

To ensure your electronic ballot reaches you, please make sure you have your email on file with the HOA. This can be verified in the following ways:

*If you currently receive your HOA dues billing by email, that email address is currently on file with the HOA and you will receive your voting instructions at that email address.

*If you do not receive your billing by email and wish to check if you have an email address on file or to add an email address to your HOA records for the purpose of voting, send an email to [email protected]. In your email, please indicate your full name, the email address you wish to add and your street address.

If you prefer using a paper ballot, you must request one, in person, from the Eagle’s Nest front desk during the active election period. No paper ballots will be mailed.

When to vote

Our PebbleCreek computer system designates the email address of the first name that appears on the lot’s deed as the primary email address for that property. Adhering to the CC&Rs’ election requirement of one vote per lot, each registered primary email address will receive an emailed invitation from VoteHOANow to vote online anytime during the fall PCHOA election period, which begins Thursday, November 1 and ends at 5:00 p.m. Thursday, November 15.

On or about November 1, registered homeowners will receive an email from [email protected], asking them to:

*Go online to the voting site by clicking the link provided in the email.

*Register with the code provided in the email.

*View the ballot, select the one candidate for which they are placing their vote and submit their choice.

Once the vote is submitted, the homeowner will receive both an on-screen confirmation and an email that the vote has been confirmed. The entire, private, secure process takes only a few minutes.

More than 100 Arizona homeowner associations already use VoteHOANow’s system, which meets all legal requirements for HOA elections. It also provides the convenience of online access from anywhere and a paper-saving, eco-friendly approach.

If you prefer using a paper ballot, go in person to the Eagle’s Nest front desk during the active election period, which begins Thursday, November 1 and ends at 5:00 p.m. Thursday, November 15, anytime within Resident & Guest Services’ business hours. No paper ballots will be mailed.

“If you use a paper ballot, remember you must sign your ballot and indicate your unit and lot numbers,” said Election Committee Chair Gordon Seaman. “That is state law.”

Who wins?

The Election Committee members who count the votes will use a simple majority to determine the winner. The HOA’s e-newsletter, PebbleNews will announce the official winning candidate in an e-blast no later than 24 hours after polls close.