Dr. Rich Shildt Returns to Breast Cancer Discussion Group

Dr. Rich Shildt

The Breast Cancer Discussion Group will be back to meeting in the Tuscany Falls Clubhouse starting Thursday, Dec. 8, at 10 a.m. We have had such fun this summer meeting for breakfast together on the fourth Thursday of every month. Those of us still in PebbleCreek this summer surely enjoyed the time together, and it was easy for newly diagnosed gals to come join us. Going forward, we will not have a meeting in November because of the Thanksgiving holiday. Our next meeting will be Thursday, Dec. 8, at 10 a.m. Dr. Rich Shildt, retired oncologist, will be with us to discuss treatment issues you may be having. He is such an asset to our group discussions.

We encourage you to come to our monthly meeting if you are facing surgery, recovering from surgery, thinking about reconstruction, or just need to talk. This is your opportunity to learn from those who have already gone through the breast cancer journey. We have a lot of survivors in our group, and we want you to know we are here for you. We have a fun group and do a lot of laughing, as laughter is an important part of healing. It is also important to know our support group is a safe place to share or even vent. What happens in our group stays within our group. Following the meeting, many of us get together and go to lunch at the Eagle’s Nest restaurant and/or other restaurants close by. It is a great opportunity to get to know each other better.

A special gift may be waiting for you! It is important that we hear from any residents who have treatment pending as we have a special pillow, made by the PebbleCreek Quilters, that we would like to give to you. The ladies who have used the pillows say they offer so much comfort immediately following surgery or reconstruction.

If you want to chat, receive a pillow, or get more information, please contact Judy Ayers, facilitator, at 623-536-1496 or [email protected]. See you at the next meeting on Thursday, Dec. 8, at 10 a.m.!