Dog Park Association president to speak Nov. 5

Kathleen Molony with Finley

Kathleen Molony with Finley

Marge Ellison

Kathleen Molony, president of the PebbleCreek Dog Park Association, is the featured speaker at the Wednesday, November 5 meeting of the Pet Companions Club. She will be discussing PebbleCreek’s new dog park. We will meet at 3:00 p.m. in Room 100 of the Eagle’s Nest Activities Center.

Kathleen moved to PebbleCreek from the Boston area in 2005 and has owned six white West Highland Terriers. She currently has Finley. He is a certified Therapy Dog. Kathleen and Finley are members of Therapy Paws and they have been working at the Cancer Treatment Center.

Please join us Wednesday, November 5 at 3:00 p.m. for this very informative, free presentation. All residents of PebbleCreek, whether club members or not, are invited to attend. As always, a box will be available for donations of such pet related items as: pet toys, pet food (check expiration dates), pet beds, crates, blankets, towels, etc. Those items not used for our own PebbleCreek rescues will be donated to other area rescue organizations.

Please address any questions to Jim or Marge Ellison at 623-935-6651.