Jason Whitehill, PGA, Director of Golf PebbleCreek Golf Resort
A letter to PebbleCreek Homeowners;
I am writing to let you know that I have accepted a new career opportunity in St. Paul, Minnesota. This is a very difficult note for me to write because of the relationships that I have built with all of you through the years. I have truly enjoyed working with you all so much and appreciate all of the support that you have given me. The personal and professional growth that I have experienced is something that I could have never imagined upon coming to PebbleCreek. Our team, and the Golf Operation, have accomplished some amazing things in my tenure and there is no doubt that things will continue to head in a positive direction in the years to come.
As some of you may know, our entire family is from the upper Midwest, Nebraska and Minnesota. Life moves fast and my wife, Stephanie and I, want to raise our girls around our extended families and get closer to our Midwest roots. We have been talking about this over the last couple of years and have chosen to make this our priority. This choice is 100% based on my family and our future. This has nothing to do with anything that is or isn’t happening at PebbleCreek. I’ve loved this job since the day I came here from Sun City Grand.
Thank you so much for all of the support you have given me through the years. Bill Barnard, the management staff and golf staff do outstanding work and there is no doubt that this transition will be seamless from your perspective. My replacement is going to inherit a well-oiled, working machine.
I wish you all the best!