Left to right: Jim Sheard, vice president; Vicki Barber, president; Rick Savage, TAG co-leader; Dave Deal, TAG co-leader; and Charlotte Krause, committee chair (photo by Gillian Driscoll)
Gillian Driscoll
An engaged audience at the December PebbleCreek (PC) Democratic Club listened intently as two members of the Transition Advisory Group (TAG) gave a fact packed presentation about the upcoming changeover of control of the HOA from Robson to the homeowners.
At present, there are three Robson representatives and two residents on the HOA. When the changeover takes place there will be five homeowners. TAG was created to advise homeowners about the changes and the progress and to liaise with Robson. The speakers, Rick Savage and Dave Deal, are co-leaders of TAG and have been working for three years on the project.
There are nine members on the TAG team, all selected for their particular expertise. There are members that have backgrounds in IT, finance, insurance, infrastructure, as well as legal. Currently there is a Leadership Training Course for residents who would like to be considered for the new HOA Board. Eighteen people have taken this course so far.
The transfer of control to the homeowners was to take place on Jan. 1, 2025, but, due to COVID-19 and the complexity of the process, the new date is Jan. 1, 2027. Rick Savage pointed out that this change will have a big impact on the lives of PebbleCreek residents. There are many issues to be negotiated with Robson and resources to be determined in order for the necessary functions of the community to be carried out.
Rick told us that as communities go, PebbleCreek is very large with a budget of $26 million to $27 million. There are three hundred employees who will continue to serve our community after the changeover. The major issue under consideration is what company or companies will be contracted to actually run the day to day operation of PebbleCreek. There are several companies who specialize in doing this and Robson has also expressed an interest in running some part of the operation. Whatever is decided, the management company or companies will be answerable to the new HOA Board.
On the plus side, homeowners will own everything! Also all parties are motivated to achieve a smooth transition. The complexity of this change was illustrated well by Rick and Dave. Club members asked several interesting questions before the talk was concluded. We all went home with a lot to think about.
The PebbleCreek Democratic Club meets on the first Wednesday of the month in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. Social hour begins at 6 p.m. and the meeting starts at 7 p.m. Our meetings are open and we welcome all who are interested.