Dale with several of his carvings on the middle shelf of the display window in the Creative Arts Center.
Dale Sevig is the PebbleCreek Woodcarvers Club Woodcarver of the Month for March. Dale moved to PebbleCreek in 2014 and joined the Woodcarvers Club shortly after.
When Dale and his wife were investigating PebbleCreek they visited the Woodcarving Club and it was a big reason they decided to move to PebbleCreek. Dale says the club members are some of the nicest and most helpful people he has come across. They have done all they could to help him develop his carving skills and improve his carvings.
Dale prefers rotary tools but also uses knives and other edged tools. His favorite carving subject is the kachina, for which he has won several carving awards. There are three kachina examples in his display. Dale is well known within the club for being willing to carve about any subject. His latest is learning to carve fish and how to airbrush them to obtain the realistic gradual color changes that naturally occur.
The carver of the month award is unique within the carving club because the award recipient is decided by the last two individuals to receive the award. It was started in October 2019 and is a way for carvers to recognize other carvers who have been influential in developing a love for carving in others.
Prospective club members may sign up for the Beginner’s Class by Oct. 1 or Jan. 1 each year. Interested individuals must sign up for the class in the Quail Room of the Creative Arts Center and pay $25 in advance. The class size is limited to eight individuals and is held around the 15th of October or January respectively. The one-day class focuses on tool safety and how to carve a simple project. Class attendees will then have the option to join the club if there is continued interest. However, club membership is open only to PebbleCreek residents. Please stop in the Quail Room or contact Tom Wick if interested in attending a Beginner’s Class. Tom can be reached at 262-408-7355 or [email protected].
Regular carving classes are held from October through April. Club meetings are held on the second Tuesday each month from October through April. The carving room is available for club members daily throughout the year, except for Thursday mornings when another club uses the room.