Celebrating 75 Years of Marriage!

Ted and Thelma Lindhorn

Ted and Thelma Lindhorn on their wedding day in 1949

Kim Jacobs-Nicholson

On June 19, Ted and Thelma Lindhorn, pillars of the PebbleCreek community for 25 years, celebrated their 75th wedding anniversary at Eagle’s Nest. Many friends joined in on the celebration, over their favoritekaraoke. Their two sons, Tim and Todd, came to celebrate with them. Tim and his wife came from Tucson, and Todd and his wife came from Colorado.

Because they are so loved by all in the community, the Eagle’s Nest restaurant and bar area were packed.Ted and Thelma have such a wonderful true love for each other … the cutest couple you’ll see in PC, holding hands and dancing together. The way they look at each other is so beautiful to see. It’s so sweet to hear Thelma say, “He’s so cute!” They love to tell the story about their meeting, 76 years ago, when Ted was working at a department store with Thelma’s mom. It was her mom who said there was a nice young man working there who she should meetand the rest is history.

Thelma was 18 and Ted was 20 when they married on June 19, 1949, in Denver, Colo. Back in 1949 (in Colorado), a male had to be 21 to get married (and a female only 18), and if you were a male and not yet 21, you had to have the signature of your parents in order to wed prior to the magical age of 21and luckily Ted’s father signed the papers in order for the marriage to happen. Wonder if he knew that they would still be married 75 years later!? Ted will celebrate his 96th birthday in September and Thelma will turn 94 in December. Looking forward to celebrating their 80th in 2029!