Kevin Hillstrom More than a dozen PebbleCreek Pickleball Club members made the 50-minute drive across the urban desert to Mesa to play in the Celebrity Tanning Open. This event attracted approximately 500 souls for three days of competition. I am happy to report that many Creekers came away with hardware! Women’s 3.5 60+ was a…
Category: July 2021
Clubs & Classes, July 2021
Rotary Club Hits Goal! “Let’s Bag Hunger” Nets in over 33,000 Pounds of Food
Joan Smith The Rotary Club of Goodyear PebbleCreek held the Let’s Bag Hunger Community Food Drive for the Agua Fria Food & Clothing Bank and All Faith Community Services, and it was a tremendous success! Rotarians throughout Arizona declared April 17 through 24 Rotary Week of Service, and clubs across the state participated by giving hundreds of hours of service to…
Features, July 2021
Teamwork Yields Wheelchair Ramps

Marilu Trainor We love it when a plan comes together and helps many people, just from a single thought. It all started in late April when Goodyear Paramedic Captain Mario Santos responded to a 9-1-1 call after a PebbleCreek resident fell. In early May, Santos and his crew responded to a similar request for help…
Sports, July 2021
Gimme Girls Gather for Summer Goodbye Luncheon
Features, July 2021
Piccadilly “Taps Across America”

Bill Steffan On Memorial Day at 3 p.m., neighbors from Piccadilly Road came together and celebrated the annual, nationwide performance of “Taps” to honor veterans who gave the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. The featured musician was Steve Thomas, who played “Taps” on his clarinet. Other guests included Ray and Kathi Catalono, Ken and Sue…
Generals, July 2021
Second Dose Dance Party

Rodney Jackson This is a two-night dance party event, Wednesday, July 21 and Thursday, July 22, in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom from 6 to 9 p.m. The event is hosted by Rodney Jackson. Your “first dose” will be administered on Wednesday, July 21 with the band Flavour taking the stage with their mix of DJ party…
Clubs & Classes, July 2021
PebbleCreek Billiard Club May Tournament Winners
Johnny Henson, President Monday Night 6 p.m. 9 Ball Tournament Weeks 1 and 3: Butch Schoen, weeks 2 and 4: Brian Balliet Tuesday 8 a.m. 8 Ball Tournament Week 1: Johnny Henson, week 2: Rene LeFebure, week 3: Bob Macy, week 4: Lynn Warren Tuesday noon to 2 p.m. Straight Pool Tournament (Willie Mosconi) Week 1: Rene LeFebure, week 2: Johnny Henson,…
Clubs & Classes, July 2021
Bridge Results
Monday Non-Sanctioned Duplicate Bridge for April 5 Sandy Blackburn It’s great to be back in the Palm Room and playing bridge again. Come join us soon! Pairs Duplicate Bridge (non-sanctioned) meets every Monday at 12:15 p.m. in the Eagle’s Nest Palm Room. For more information, call Sandy Blackburn at 623-536-8062. The following winners are for…
Generals, July 2021
LiveLong Learning At PebbleCreek

LLL Contact Information Pat Ingalls * Website: * Email: [email protected] * LLL Center hours: Closed until further notice Choose Curiosity Over Clash Bill Nee Julia Dhar’s TED Talk, titled “How to have constructive conversations,” shares tips that can open up dialogue with others who see things differently than you. Dhar, a three-time world-champion debater…
Features, July 2021
Time for the Red, White, and Blue

Richard Hinkel The back patio umbrellas, cushions, and swing were showing the effects of Arizona summers. They were getting pale. What better time to recover everything than during May, to charge colorfully into the upcoming holidays? Cora Hinkel decided there was no time like the present to give her sewing machine a patriotic workout. A swing, two umbrellas, seven…