‘Tis the season to be jolly… Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism. * The only requirement for membership is a desire to stop drinking. * There are…
Category: December 2021
Clubs & Classes, December 2021
Good Things Come in Small Packages

Jeff Wilson Good things come in small packages. This was especially true in this latest clay jewelry class. Each student created 10 beautiful and unique tribal-inspired necklaces. This class was intentionally kept small in order for the instructor to work out ideas incorporating new tools, techniques, and materials. The Pottery/Sculpture Club offers a variety of classes…
Clubs & Classes, December 2021
Car Club News
Linda Babcock The PebbleCreek Car Club is back on track. We have resumed our regular meetings, which are the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Tuscany Falls Capri Room. Everyone agrees that meeting with friends and talking about cars is filling a void we have all been experiencing. Our December meeting…
Features, December 2021
A Budget Record Label Christmas

Robert Hover For those of you out there who love and collect those older, budget label Christmas records, the kind your parents randomly purchased at the local drugstore or five and 10 cent store as something different to play on the home stereo during the holidays, do I have a ton of pure Cheez Whiz to…
Generals, December 2021
Kare Bears’ Korner
Annual Kare Bears Meeting to be Held January 26 Rayma Scalzo Due to restrictions with COVID, the annual meeting of Kare-ing Neighbors, Inc., dba Kare Bears, was postponed. We are pleased to announce that it finally will be held on Jan. 26, 2022, at 11 a.m. in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom. Yearly reports of the…
Clubs & Classes, December 2021
Quilter Tori Benz-Hillstrom Wins Best in Show at State Fair

Linda Rowe Tori purchased an incredibly old 1930s vintage quilt top at the Pebble Creek Quilters (PCQ) spring luncheon in April 2018. The quilt top, named Grandmother’s Flower Garden, is made of thousands of hand-pieced hexagons. The quilt top originally belonged to former PCQ president and long arm chairperson Sue Godwin. It was donated to the…
Features, December 2021
In Passing

Gerald (Jerry) Curttright Gerald (Jerry) Curttright, 93, passed away at home in Goodyear, Ariz., on Oct. 17, 2021. He was born in Spencer, Iowa and graduated from Lincoln High School in Tacoma, Wash. in 1946. In 1956, Jerry married Dorothy Byler in Seattle. They enjoyed a wonderful life together until her passing in 1997. Much…
Generals, December 2021
Holiday Hints for Alzheimer’s Caregivers
Teri Sellers The PebbleCreek Alzheimer’s Support Group is available to all residents who have a loved one with Alzheimer’s or dementia. The group meets twice a month for a breakfast social and a support group meeting. Don’t miss the December meeting as we will have our annual Caring for the Caregiver event. This is the…
Features, December 2021
Camera Club Picture of the Month

Lynn Warren The club conducts an image review at the end of each monthly meeting, in which photos submitted by members are discussed and critiqued in a non-threatening manner by peers and more accomplished members; this is a time when members can expand their photo horizons and gain valuable insight into technique and visualization. At…
Generals, December 2021
WWII Artifacts Donated by PC Resident Accepted by Naval History and Heritage Command

John Cacciola This story began in 1942, when the father of Doris Ann Fitzkee Cacciola gifted her binoculars. At the age of six or seven, she had an interest in having a better view of the colorful birds that roamed her backyard in York, Penn. Going forward, the binoculars will be referred to as “binocs.”…