Linda Babcock The PebbleCreek Car Club is back on track. We have resumed our regular meetings, which are the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m. in the Tuscany Falls Capri Room. Everyone agrees that meeting with friends and talking about cars is filling a void we have all been experiencing. Our December meeting…
Category: Clubs & Classes
Clubs & Classes, December 2021
Good Things Come in Small Packages

Jeff Wilson Good things come in small packages. This was especially true in this latest clay jewelry class. Each student created 10 beautiful and unique tribal-inspired necklaces. This class was intentionally kept small in order for the instructor to work out ideas incorporating new tools, techniques, and materials. The Pottery/Sculpture Club offers a variety of classes…
Clubs & Classes, December 2021
Quilter Tori Benz-Hillstrom Wins Best in Show at State Fair

Linda Rowe Tori purchased an incredibly old 1930s vintage quilt top at the Pebble Creek Quilters (PCQ) spring luncheon in April 2018. The quilt top, named Grandmother’s Flower Garden, is made of thousands of hand-pieced hexagons. The quilt top originally belonged to former PCQ president and long arm chairperson Sue Godwin. It was donated to the…
Clubs & Classes, December 2021
Democratic Club Honors Veterans and Welcomes Katie Hobbs

Alisa Moore Our November meeting brought together more than 200 members and visiting friends. We gathered in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom to share the excitement of the upcoming holidays and to mingle with folks not seen in months. The room was packed! After the social hour, we heard from Secretary of State Katie Hobbs, now…
Clubs & Classes, December 2021
November Gals’ Get-Together

Sandy Stephens Virginia Warden and Susan Jackson hosted the November Gals’ get-together with breakfast at Eagle’s Nest Restaurant on Nov. 9. Twelve ladies attended the breakfast. The hostesses chose a Thanksgiving theme with pilgrim hat cookies and Thanksgiving trivia, with Valerie Spiegel taking home the trivia contest prize for the most correct answers.
Clubs & Classes, December 2021
Final Pumpkin Class of 2021

Jeff Wilson If it’s autumn, it’s pumpkin time in the pottery room. Ane Aune’s autumn pumpkin classes have been among the most popular classes offered by the pottery club. This is partly because everyone leaves the class with a unique and beautiful pumpkin sculpture, but also because Ane has a wonderfully entertaining teaching style. Ane…
Clubs & Classes, December 2021
PebbleCreek Art Club October Monthly Meeting

Susan Skolnik The PebbleCreek Art Club held its October meeting on Oct. 29 in the Coyote Room of the Activity Center in Tuscany Falls. Coffee and pastries were made available for members while they socialized and perused the pumpkins, which had been creatively decorated by members. The winner of the decorating contest was Glenn Ishibashi,…
Clubs & Classes, December 2021
News from the PebbleCreek Shalom Club

Ronnie Levine November featured many fun activities for Shalom Club members, including an appetizer cooking class at The Tree of Oil, a Friendsgiving celebration bake-off at Sunrise Park, a happy hour at The Sicilian Butcher, and the monthly meeting of the book club. December’s highlight is our annual Chanukah party, complete with dinner and dancing.…
Clubs & Classes, December 2021
Japanese-Style Tea Ceremony Cup Class

Jeff Wilson The ancient art of the Japanese tea ceremony was the inspiration for the class making tea ceremony cups. Everyone in the class made six traditional looking cups using either a speckled buff clay or a clay that turned black when fired, which mimicked the look of Raku fired clay (a special firing technique used…
Clubs & Classes, December 2021
For the Birds a Super Success

Jeff Wilson Ane Aune’s For the Birds class soared with creativity and whimsy. One could not resist smiling when looking at these cute, chubby creations. Everyone in the class made two unique birds. No two looked alike. With the popularity of this class, it is hoped Ane will offer it again in the near future.…