Category: December 2019

PebbleCreek Tennis Club Oktoberfest Social

Tennis Club members Bestsy Porter, Wendy Langhals, Heidi Farrell, and JoAnne Braun lead the crowd in the chicken dance.

Norma Whitley Once again, PC Tennis Club members gathered to enjoy another fun social on a beautiful October day at the PebbleCreek tennis courts. The theme for the social was Oktoberfest and it was a day filled with many enjoyable activities. The day started off with mixed doubles tennis play on the Tuscany Falls and…

New initiates into National T.T.T. Society

The newest initiates (left to right): CeCe Comstock, Sandy Schaefer, Lucette Gurley, Carol Rice, and Eileen Lamparelli.

Laurie Overson Arizona Chapter P of the National T.T.T. (Time, Talent, and Treasure) Society is happy to present our newest initiates: CeCe Comstock, Sandy Schaefer, Lucette Gurley, Carol Rice, and Eileen Lamparelli. These are delightful women, and we are excited about the contributions they are going to make to our chapter. Chapter P wants to…

General Manager’s Message

Bill Barnard, general manager The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is in full swing. It seems like summer has just ended and before we know it, a new year will be upon us. Thanksgiving, set right in the middle of the holiday season, came later in the month this year and for many of…