Category: Clubs & Classes

PC Hikers wander through a Joshua Tree Forest

Enjoying the hike here (left to right): Cheryl, George, Pete, Dave, Clare, Marilyn, Tina, Wayne, Dennis, and Lynn (photographer).

Pete Williams On a bright clear Oct. 9 day, ten hikers from the PebbleCreek Hiking Club wandered through a Joshua Tree Forest just north of Wickenburg. Our destination was a single Saguaro living among the Joshua trees. What’s fascinating is that Joshua trees live is the Mohave Desert while Saguaros live in the Sonoran Desert.…

New initiates into National T.T.T. Society

The newest initiates (left to right): CeCe Comstock, Sandy Schaefer, Lucette Gurley, Carol Rice, and Eileen Lamparelli.

Laurie Overson Arizona Chapter P of the National T.T.T. (Time, Talent, and Treasure) Society is happy to present our newest initiates: CeCe Comstock, Sandy Schaefer, Lucette Gurley, Carol Rice, and Eileen Lamparelli. These are delightful women, and we are excited about the contributions they are going to make to our chapter. Chapter P wants to…