David Price AZOPT is dedicated to providing quality, personalized care by enthusiastic and passionate physical therapists. But don’t just take our word for it. Our patients tell their story best. Like Barbara, who for more than 20 years had unbearable back pain. Read more about her successful experience-. My name is Barbara and for more…
Category: November 2017
Generals, November 2017
November 4 Art Walk is here in just a few short days!

Nancy Stifter The PebbleCreek Art Club is pleased to announce that guitarist and Art Club member Duane Langston will be playing classical guitar during the Saturday, November 4, 2017, annual Art Walk from 4:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the Tuscany Falls Clubhouse. We are lucky to have not only so many creative artists, but also…
Generals, November 2017
Community Service Report for September 2017
Patrol Dispatched Alarms all other 2 Animal leash rules 6 Assist homeowner 20 Auto accidents 0 Bee Complaints 0 Complaint Reports, Green Cards 225 Damage to property 7 Dead animal pick-up 5 Disturbance 0 Dust/dirt complaint 3 Fire arms, pellet gun 0 Fire 0 Flat tire assistance 17 Gate malfunctions 10 Golf cart tow 25…
Clubs & Classes, November 2017
Republican Club news

Liz Gibson The PebbleCreek Republican Club welcomed members and invited guests to the Thursday, October 5 meeting in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. A Social Time began at 6:30 and the meeting following at 7:00 p.m. There was a complimentary snack table, provided through members’ dues, inside the ballroom. We were delighted to welcome Brent Backus,…
Generals, November 2017
A really big show is coming our way…it’s Artrageous!

Susan Knox Wilson, PebbleCreek Golf Resort Communications Team We’re not the only ones excited about the Artrageous experience coming to Arizona in January (and to our theater on January 14)! Wild Horse Pass, where the troupe appears two days before heading to PebbleCreek, is so excited they’re doing a special presale promotion for this amazing, popular,…
Clubs & Classes, November 2017
PebbleCreek documentation project

Donna Wisnoski Two years ago the PebbleCreek Quilters launched a local chapter of the nationwide project to help preserve quilts and quilt history for everyone and they need not be quilters. In the early 1990s the Quilt Index was born out of the need for scholars, curators, folklorists and writers to have one central location…
Sports, November 2017
2017-2018 PCLGA executive board

Bev Clinton Here is the beautiful and talented group of women who will lead the PCLGA for the 2017 – 2018 season. The elected board members are Marilyn Reynolds, president; Chanca Morrell, vice president; Claudia Tiger, secretary and Jenna Ridgeway, treasurer. Appointed Chairpersons: Sharon Dawe, Parliamentarian; Barbara Chilton and Sharon Johnson, Major Tournaments; Tess Braden,…
Clubs & Classes, November 2017
PC Hiking Club begins new season
Generals, November 2017
Reaching out to others as the holidays approach

Phylice Walton The Mission Committee of our PebbleCreek Community Church is again partnering with local churches to provide holiday meals through Agua Fria Food and Clothing Bank. Agua Fria assists with food and clothing for those in need. Thanksgiving and Christmas can be an especially difficult time for these families and we seek your help.…
Clubs & Classes, November 2017
Men’s Christian Fellowship news and update

Larry Gleason At their October 4 meeting the Fellowship heard Chris Stull share an inspiring testimony about his journey of life and faith in the Lord. Chris is lead pastor at Goodyear’s Wellspring Baptist Church which he helped start in 2014. Chris shared key events, people and thoughts that have impacted his life. As a…