Keven November is a great time to think ahead for the holidays and prepare your yard for the season. Just a little bit of work now will pay off when things get busy. Give Your Landscape a Bath Clean plants are happy, happy, happy. I use a quart sized hose end sprayer made by Gilmore…
Category: November 2014
Clubs & Classes, November 2014
Men’s Christian Fellowship update
Larry Gleason On October 1 the Fellowship heard an excellent presentation titled Hope for the Troubled Heart from Dennis Kizziar, interim pastor at PebbleCreek Community Church. Pastor Kizziar noted that in his 35 years as a pastor ministering to others, he has come to the conclusion many individuals’ personal problems are the result of a…
Generals, November 2014
PebbleCreek HOA budget summary – August 2014 YTD
The August 2014 financials continued the positive trend for the year. The strong financial performance by all departments shows the revenues are 4.8% favorable to budget exceeding the planned revenue targets. The strong Food & Beverage and Golf Revenue led the way to the positive financial results. August had 15 new home closings bringing the…
Clubs & Classes, November 2014
PebbleCreek Car Club – November 2014
Larry Cabral Now that it’s turning fall and cooling off, how about a trip on Route 66? Route 66, dotted with Mom and Pop businesses, neon signs and eclectic roadside attractions, tells the story of America’s historic move west. The creation of this 2,448 mile super highway linked together small communities across states providing a…
Clubs & Classes, November 2014
Ski Club meeting
Lynn Warren PebbleCreek does not have a ski club but many PebbleCreekers belong to the Sun Cities Ski Club which is open to all Arizonans. Meetings are held at the SCW Foundation in the Webb Room, 14465 W. RH Johnson Boulevard, Sun City West, just a short drive from PebbleCreek. Meetings are held on the…
Clubs & Classes, November 2014
Bridge Results – November 2014
PC Duplicate Bridge (Sanctioned) Bob Conrardy We have a new website: http:/ To join the group, send a blank email to [email protected]. You will receive an automated response asking you to confirm that you wish to subscribe. You must reply to that email (just hit Reply—no message required). If you do not see the automated…
Generals, November 2014
LifeLong Learning at PebbleCreek – November 2014

Staying informed is easy at As LifeLong Learning at PebbleCreek continues to expand its programs and offerings, it can be difficult to keep up with what’s available. LifeLong Learning hopes to make it easier through two means: Website: This summer LifeLong Learning launched a new website that is easy to navigate and has all…
Generals, November 2014
Bishop M. Jacob, from India, visits PebbleCreek Community Church

Dave Modderman and Edna DeFord Bishop (Brother) M. Jacob with the Gospel for Tribals Social Service Society in Khammam, India, visits PebbleCreek Community Church. Bishop Jacob has been visiting PCCC for many years sharing the work being done with the support of people in the U.S.A. in this rural part of India. His organization runs…
November 2014
The beat goes on for PC Singles Club

Pat Milich It was this time last year when all six members of the Board of Directors were coming to the end of their two year terms. During their tenure, the PebbleCreek Singles Club had experienced unprecedented growth in membership, celebrated its fifteenth anniversary at a large gala and significantly increased the number and variety…
Clubs & Classes, November 2014
Art Club members’ choice

Sherri Heitz Gretchen Olberding, president of the PebbleCreek Art Club, issued a challenge to all members attending the September meeting to bring one piece of art he/she created over the summer. There were 21 different and beautiful pieces of art showing the diversity and enormous talent of our community of artists here in PebbleCreek. Those…