Johnny Henson The PebbleCreek Billiard Club played at Vistancia on Sept 5. Vistancia won two out of three matches.
Carole Schumacher Are you ready for a wild journey? The PebbleCreek Ladies Golf Association’s (PCLGA) Annual Kick-Off Golfari will be held on Nov. 12 at Tuscany Falls West and Eagle’s Nest with a shotgun start at 8:30 am. This is the second major tournament for the 2024-25 PCLGA season. According to Tournament Co-Chairs Jeannie Alvarez…
Fred Dresser The PebbleCreek Senior Softball Association (PCSSA) will begin their 30th season of softball on Saturday, Oct. 19. Just think about it—30 seasons of softball being played by friends and neighbors who live here in PebbleCreek. We hope to see you there! Opening Game Day Schedule 9 a.m. West Valley Golf Cars vs. Henson…
Johnny Henson, Professor Pool When coaching students to improve their games, I emphasize that players must improve and perform well in many different areas of their games. Over the years I have competed against many very good players in tournaments. The players who I feared the most are the ones that were well-rounded and very…
Jim Padgitt PebbleCreek Billiard Club members have completed their summer series of 8-Ball and 9-Ball tournaments in the PebbleCreek Billiard Room. Both are major 8-week tournaments played in a demanding round-robin format. Clay Beeson earned this season’s 8-Ball Grand Championship title by winning 44 games and a total of 47 points. One point is awarded…
David Zapatka The lob is alive and well. Watch any of the stronger players and you’ll see they all use the lob as a weapon. Why do lobs work? They catch the opponents off guard. Many opponents don’t deal well with the unexpected lob. They sometimes panic or don’t use proper footwork to get to…
Our PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) full summer event schedule continued on the morning of Sept. 5, where 60 of our PCM9GA always enthusiastic golfers participated in a Lone Ranger Tournament format utilizing the Tuscany Falls East front-nine golf course. The Lone Ranger Tournament format scoring is based upon a score where each foursome…
Johnny Henson Congratulations to our winners during August. The Player of the Month was Lynn Warren with four wins. King of the Hill was Johnny Henson. Monday noon to 2 p.m. 8–Ball tournament: No winners Tuesday 8 a.m. to noon 8–Ball tournament: Lynn Warren (x3), Bob Macy Wednesday 2 to 4 p.m. 9–Ball tournament: No…