Health and Wellness has events scheduled in October Donna Blomquist, RN and Dee-Dee Patrick, MS, RN, co-directors of Health & Wellness, Kare Bears Skin cancer screening CareToU will be providing a mobile unit at the Eagle’s Nest Parking Lot (across from Activities Center). Schedule a half-hour appointment for one of the following dates: Monday, Oct. 14; Tuesday, Oct. 15; Monday, Oct. 22;…
Category: Generals
Generals, October 2019
Call for veterans photos
Traci Baker As a salute to PebbleCreek veterans, a digital presentation is being prepared for Veterans Day. Images of veterans in their uniforms during their respective times of service, their names, and periods of service will be shown on PebbleTV for 24 hours. To accomplish this, PebbleCreek veterans are each asked to submit a photo of…
Generals, October 2019
PC Live On Stage

The Kitchen Witches: Do you have your tickets? Laurie Farquhar “Good afternoon everyone. How many of you have ever been to a live TV show before? Okay, for you first-timers, let me tell you a little about what’s going to happen here today. The show is live, which means that anything—and I mean anything—can happen.”…
Generals, October 2019
Expressions Gallery and gift shop – October highlights

Sherry Blatner Welcome back, snowbirds! We have stocked the Expressions Gallery and gift shop with hundreds of new treasures for you to admire and hopefully purchase. The Gallery presents artistic items for sale by members of the many clubs that meet in the center as well as individuals who live in the community. If you would like…
Generals, October 2019
Pre-Thanksgiving Musicale presented by Jess Washington

Vocalist Jesse Washington, a Sun Lakes resident, will present the second annual Pre-Thanksgiving Musicale on Sunday, Nov. 17, at 2:00 p.m. This event will feature special guest vocalists Silesia of Phoenix and Sharon Friendly of Scottsdale. The musicale will include gospel, contemporary gospel, classical, show tunes, and patriotic songs for your entertainment pleasure. Jesse has prior…
Generals, October 2019
Holiday toy drive
Corrie Copple Mark your calendars for Saturday, Dec. 7, from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. for the holiday toy drive. Please bring a new, unwrapped gift, cash, or gift card to the Eagle’s Nest parking lot (across from activities office). All donations will be distributed by the Goodyear Fire Dept in conjunction with the City of Goodyear…
Generals, October 2019
Fall Day at the mall shopping trip on Nov. 4
Our day at Scottsdale Fashion Square will start at Nordstrom with a special welcome from Nordstrom staff. Fashion Square Mall has a great variety and large number of stores, truly something for everyone. There is also a large food court and several restaurants if you choose to enjoy lunch while there. Visit their website for…
Generals, October 2019
Patrol Report
Patrol dispatched Alarms all other 3 Animal rules 1 Assist H/O 12 Auto accidents 0 Barking dog 0 Bee complaints 0 Complaint reports, electronic 12 Damage to property 1 Dead animal pick up 6 Disabled vehicle 13 Disturbance 0 Dust dirt complaint 2 Fire lane violations 2 Flat tire assistance 2 Gate malfunctions 10 Golf cart tow 9 Golf course rules 1 Holiday decoration violations 0 Home owner/guest assistance 10 House building checks 1…
Generals, October 2019
Mark your calendar
Oct. 8-11: Trip: Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta. Tickets on sale now in the activities office. Oct. 11: Concert: The Troubadour Experience: George Strait tribute. Tickets on sale now in the activities office and online; $25. Oct. 22-25: Trip: Rocky Point golf or spa getaway. Tickets on sale now in the activities office. Oct. 26: Trip: Verde…
Generals, October 2019
LifeLong Learning at PebbleCreek

New will call procedures for Premier Lectures begins Kayrene Braden LifeLong Learning (LLL) is starting a new procedure to pick up tickets for the Premier Lectures this year. Whether you purchase your tickets online or at the LLL Center, all tickets will be distributed the week of the lecture. This is a change from previously…