Category: September 2024

LifeLong Learning: Global Development Visualized Online

Bill Nee People utilize different approaches to learn information. My wife loves to read, and she is primarily a visual learner. I am more of an auditory learner. This month’s TED Talk excels in visual understanding of global development. Although Hans Rosling, a Swedish world-health researcher, produced the talk in 2006, it still features timeless…

Patrol Report

Bill Kyle, Community Services Patrol Dispatched Alarms All Other 4 All Facilities Locked at Night 48 All Facilities Unlocked AM 31 Animal Rules Leash 1 Animals Lost & Found 4 Animals Misc. 0 Auto Accidents 3 Barking Dog 1 Broken Gate Arms 1 Buildings Checked 31 Damage to Property 3 Dead Animal Pickup 13 Debris…

A Problem of Alcoholism in a Relative or Friend?

Al-Anon now has a weekly meeting in PebbleCreek. If you are concerned about a relative or friend who appears to be suffering from alcoholism, you are welcome to join us. See below for details. The Al-Anon Family Groups are a fellowship of relatives and friends of alcoholics who share their experience, strength, and hope in…

AA Serenity Group

Grant me: Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experience, strength, and hope with each other that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from…

Tennis Lessons

Dennis Whitley Have you ever wanted to learn the game of tennis but did not know how to get started, or maybe you played many years ago and would like to get back to the game? Here’s your chance to be introduced or reintroduced to tennis, the game that you can enjoy for a lifetime.…

Kare Bears’ Korner – September 2024

Share Bears Expands Offerings Tracey Schryver Have you ever participated in bingo with Share Bears? Did you know Share Bears is expanding? Well they are! Get excited to meet like–minded people who prefer a quieter and more low–key environment in which to make new friends. Each Friday prior to Share Bears Bingo, you can enjoy…

HOA Board Members Need Special Skills

Susan Knox Wilson This fall, PebbleCreek homeowners will elect a new board member for our HOA. The volunteer position is for a two-year term beginning Jan. 1, 2025. There is no incumbent running in the 2024 election and it is essential for every candidate to get their message out to the community—and for the community…

Unit Happenings – September 2024

Unit 44 Men’s Breakfast Dan Harris The men of Unit 44 held their summer monthly lunch at Augie’s Sports Grill in Goodyear on July 31. The lunch started with Scott Crabtree’s fountain of youth as he squeezed his lemon wedge so hard that most of the juice went all over his shirt instead of in…

Labor Day Holiday Hours

Please note the HOA office and facility hours for the Labor Day holiday on Sept. 2. Activities Office, Administration, Architectural and Landscape Committee Office, and Resident and Guest Services * Closed Monday, Sept. 2  Community Services Patrol Department  * Office closed Monday, Sept. 2 * Patrollers and main gate greeters on duty  Creative Arts Center…