Category: Clubs & Classes

Fun Fitness!

Pat Jensen Ann Merrill has been teaching fitness classes and holding personal training sessions at PebbleCreek since 2001. Her classes are so much fun that you don’t even realize you are working out. Her charming personality and her wittiness give you good reason to make a regular habit of attending her classes. It is a credit to…

PC Art Club Has Full Schedule of Fall Classes

Emily Grotta With the summer hiatus behind us, the PC Art Club’s classes calendar is full in September and October, offering an excellent way to explore new art techniques and improve your skills with talented instructors from the Greater Phoenix area. Classes are open to any resident or renter in PebbleCreek. The following classes are…

Singles Club Is Very Active!

Kathy Smith The PC Singles Club is a very active group even during the summertime. We host swim parties, game nights, bocce teams, Pictionary fun times, backgammon, Mah Jongg—American style, new member happy hours, dinner gatherings at local restaurants, trips to museums, team pub quiz nights, Saturday morning breakfast at Eagle’s Nest, golf, volunteering at…

Gardening: A Popular Hobby

Ruthette Kennedy Do you have an interest in gardening? Are you interested in receiving ideas and inspiration for your home’s landscape? If you would like to meet neighbors with a love of gardening, then the Garden Club of PebbleCreek is a great place for you to learn more about plants, exchange ideas, ask questions, hear speakers,…

Lavender—“The Swiss Army Knife of Essential Oils”

JoAnne Gaudioso Lavender is often referred to as the “Swiss Army Knife of Essential Oils” because of its usefulness and popularity. Lavender is widely considered a must-have essential oil because of its versatility. It’s been used and cherished for centuries because of its unmistakable aroma and myriad of benefits. Ancient Egyptians and Romans used lavender…

Camera Club Photo of the Month

Lynn Warren For September’s Photo of the Month, the Camera Club selected a dramatic close-up of a bull elk taken by club member Adriana Griesman while visiting Grand Teton National Park in May. As Adriana was heading home after sunset one evening, she came across this male elk with his antlers starting to grow back.…

Wine Club News—Pairing Wine and Food

Did you know that the same or similar wines can taste different, depending on what you are eating? Food plays a significant role in the taste. At the August wine club event, each person was served two wines with each course that were similar but from different regions of the world. The variations in flavor…

T.T.T. Chapter Q Hosts Camp Reunion

T.T.T. Chapter Q members met with our Heritage Elementary School campers and their families at Cracker Barrel for a reunion to talk about their week-long experience at Camp Maripai in Prescott. The girls shared that they really enjoyed horseback riding and archery, and they thought the food was very good! They also enjoyed having a…