“B” Hikers Enjoy a White Tanks Loop Lynn Warren The White Tank Mountain Regional Park is a short distance northwest of PebbleCreek and is visited and enjoyed frequently by PebbleCreek hikers. On June 15, six “B” hikers completed a scenic, counterclockwise 8-mile loop, which started at the library and combined Mule Deer, Waterfall, and a…
Category: Clubs & Classes
August 2024, Clubs & Classes
Drive and Dining: Tonto Bar and Grill
Stephen Banet Members of the PebbleCreek Corvette Club had an amazing drive and dining experience recently at the Tonto Bar and Grill in Cave Creek. We were treated to beautiful scenery in and around the Cave Creek and Carefree areas, ending with a fun meal and great camaraderie. If you live in PebbleCreek and own…
August 2024, Clubs & Classes
Summertime Fun
August 2024, Clubs & Classes
Card Scores
Euchre Club Euchre is played every Thursday evening at 7 p.m. in the Palm Room at the Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse. Bring $1 toward prize money. You don’t need a partner to play. We are more than happy to greet newcomers to the club. In June we welcomed Garth and Sondra Ash from Indiana. Recent winners…
August 2024, Clubs & Classes
West Valley Democrats’ Rally: “Meet the Candidates”
The PebbleCreek Democratic Club will join other West Valley Democratic organizations and the Maricopa County Democratic Party, to host a “Meet the Candidates” Rally on Saturday, Sept. 9 from 2 to 4 p.m. The event will be held in the Kiva/Sagebrush Ballroom in Sun City Grand, 19753 N. Remington Drive, Surprise, AZ 85374. More than…
August 2024, Clubs & Classes
The Women’s Giving Circle News!
Dana West The Women’s Giving Circle (TWGC) fall meeting is scheduled for Sept. 26 at the Tuscany Falls Chianti Room. Please remember to bring your annual dues of $25 to the meeting. We will also have a representative from the West Valley Heart Walk as a guest speaker during the meeting. TWGC will be organizing…
August 2024, Clubs & Classes
Singles Dine at Black Angus
PebbleCreek Singles Club members dined out again on July 7. Fifteen of our most hungry members met at Black Angus restaurant for a fabulous dinner of baby back ribs, prime rib, porterhouse, filet mignon steaks, burgers, and more. It is a fabulous venue. Doggy bags were required for most! The consensus was to return to…
August 2024, Clubs & Classes
Quilter of the Month: Jackie Cameron
Maureen Strachan Jackie Cameron was the highlighted quilter of the month for June in the Creative Arts Center showcase. She moved to PebbleCreek in 2016, but has resided in Arizona since 1997. Before Arizona, Jackie lived in upstate New York and New England. After retiring, she started quilting in earnest when she joined the PebbleCreek Quilters (PCQ)…
Clubs & Classes, August 2024
News from the PebbleCreek Shalom Club
Ronnie Levine The Shalom Club is looking forward to having Rabbi Jeffrey Lipschultz lead High Holiday services this year. Services will be held Oct. 3 for Rosh Hashanah, Oct. 11 for Kol Nidre, and Oct. 12 for Yom Kippur. For more information, please contact Jill Burnham at 770-826-8640 or [email protected], or Gloria Kornbluth at 623-398-8919…
August 2024, Clubs & Classes
Genealogy Club News
Vicky Ferraresi There is no meeting of the PebbleCreek Genealogy Club (PCGC) in August, as we go on vacation, or stay out of the heat to individually work on our family trees or other projects and hobbies. PCGC general meetings will resume after Labor Day with a revised format. Meetings will start at 9 a.m.…