Jerry Briner Join us in a summer close out dance. A tropical theme is planned. So come relax and dance to salsa, rhumba, and cha cha tunes. There will be the standard ballroom dance assortment of waltz, fox trot, swing, etc. on the programmed music selections. We invite all members and residents and their guests…
Category: August 2022
Generals, August 2022
Kare Bears’ Korner
Clubs & Classes, August 2022
Primary Election Final Push!

Camille Grabb The final big political P-U-S-H is on for Arizona’s primary election scheduled for Tuesday, Aug. 2. On Saturday morning, June 25, the PebbleCreek Republican Club (PCRC) hosted a “meet and greet” in the Tuscany Falls Clubhouse Ballroom—with chilled juice, fresh coffee, and tasty muffins! The entire room was “abuzz” as approximately 300 residents…
Sports, August 2022
Tennis Memories by Incognito Octogenarians

Donna Gillen Last month we named many of our seasoned tennis players in PebbleCreek (PC). This month we will highlight those still actively playing, but would like to add their memories and words of wisdom to those who still have the courage and drive to keep active here in our community, but not share their…
Clubs & Classes, August 2022
The Irish American Club Summer Pub Lunch Series

Amy Volstromer It may be summer, but the Irish American Club is keeping some activity going during the summer months for club members who are full-time residents. The first of the summer pub lunch series was held in June at P.F. Chang’s. The club is showing community support to local restaurants who support the yearly…