Category: April 2016

Tenth Mah Jongg tournament a success

Johanna Kaufman Forty-four PebbleCreek residents entered the tenth annual Mah Jongg Tournament, held in the Tuscany Falls Clubhouse on March 10. The day consisted of two rounds of play in the morning, followed by a lunch and two rounds of play in the afternoon. All rounds were timed. Rules were based on the National Mah…

Arizona Chapter Q appreciates you!

Penny Schneider The members of the Arizona Chapter Q of the National T.T.T. Society extend to the women of PebbleCreek a most sincere note of appreciation for your support of our fourth fashion show event held on Saturday, March 12. The funds generated by our fashion show and luncheon will allow us to send eight…

Men’s Christian Fellowship hears “Adoption and the Gospel, a Biblical Foundation for Adoption as Ministry”

Gerald Clark speaking on Adoption and the Gospel

Larry Gleason On March 2 the Fellowship heard a very informative presentation on Adoption and the Gospel, A Biblical Foundation for Adoption as Ministry presented by PebbleCreek resident Gerald Clark. Gerald is the author of the book Adoption and the Gospel and he continues to be actively involved in the ministry of adoption. Gerald and his…

Railroad time

1911 Illinois Watch Company railroad pocket watch

Mark Pelletier and Chuck Weart Although indeed our club members consider any time to be railroad time, this month we’ll talk about the historical effect which railroads had on timekeeping and railroad time which led to the time zones we have today. Years ago, people’s lives took place in a small area and distant activities…

Card Scores

Cribbage Club Sandy Clinton The Cribbage Club meets regularly twice monthly, the first Thursday and the third Friday at 1:00 p.m. in the Sienna Room at Tuscany Falls; we have added extra playing days so check with one of the contacts below or attend one of our meetings for our complete schedule. The club is…

PC Hiking Club Diary

PebbleCreek “C” Hikers pause for lunch on the Government Springs segment of the Black Canyon Trail; photographer Lynn Warren.

Lynn Warren The Black Canyon Trail (BCT) is a 62-mile desert multi-use trail parallel to I-17 that stretches from the Carefree Highway up to the Prescott National Forest, skirting the base of the Bradshaw Mountains. On a very spring-like February 10, a large group of “C” hikers hiked the BCT from Bumble Bee to the…

Quilters’ Challenge 2016

Millissa Masters Each year our master challenge creator, Kathleen O’Connell, comes up with a new theme to get our group to create outside their box. For 2016 Kathleen presented the quilters with the flying geese block unit. The first pattern published using flying geese units and blocks dates back to 1894. The rectangle unit can…

New members introduced at Irish American Club meeting

The PebbleCreek Irish American Club introduced thirteen new members at their recent meeting bringing the total membership to 240 members. Pictured from left are Phil and Cheryl Carlson, Ron Steelman, Iris Staubus, Carol Sanders, Patti McAllister, Pat and Cheryl Murphy and Steve and Sherry Fletcher. Missing from photo: Susan Roth and Sherri and Tim Niccum.