Dee-Dee Patrick The members of the Nurses Group of PebbleCreek continue to learn at each of our breakfast meetings. In mid-January we listened to an enlightening presentation by Stephen Hwang, M.D., a board certified ophthalmological surgeon with Arizona Eye Specialists about the most common eye issues as we age. Dr. Hwang discussed the latest technologies…
Category: Clubs & Classes
Clubs & Classes, April 2016
Bridge Results
PC Duplicate Sanctioned Bridge Kathy Bergman During the months of February and March we are having our Mentor program. A Mentor is an experienced player who is willing to donate his or her time to help a less experience player improve. Mentors are usually Life Masters – although they need not be. The only requirements…
Clubs & Classes, April 2016
Hospice and your Medicare benefits
Rayma Scalzo If you are a caregiver for someone with Alzheimer’s/Dementia, you are invited to attend our Caregiver Discussion Group on Saturday, April 16 at 9:30 a.m. We will have a presentation on Hospice and Your Medicare Benefits. The following questions will be addressed and there will be a discussion on some of the common…
Clubs & Classes, April 2016
Summer Wii bowling
Melissa Kallett Summer Wii Bowling returns! Registration is open to experienced Wii’ers and Newbiis alike. Not familiar with Wii Bowling? Never Wii’d before? No problem. If you can use your TV remote control, then you can Wii Bowl. The Summer League is the perfect place to test your Wii potential or to work on improving…
Clubs & Classes, April 2016
Denim and Diamonds Dinner Dance April 16
Nancy Herrem Come join us at our first annual Denim and Diamonds Dinner Dance on Saturday, April 16 in Tuscany Falls Ballroom. Bet you’re wondering what you should wear—hmmmmm, how about denim and diamonds! Guys, here’s your chance to wear your dress levis, with a nice white shirt and sports/tux jacket, maybe with diamonds on…
Clubs & Classes, April 2016
PC Singles Club salutes Kare Bears

Shawnee Robison The PebbleCreek Singles Club met in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom on Sunday, February 28 for our early March meeting. Keeping in line with our goals of giving back to the community, the PebbleCreek Singles have once again voted to support The Homeless Youth Connection. The PebbleCreek Singles, one of the most active clubs…
Clubs & Classes, April 2016
Tenth Mah Jongg tournament a success
Johanna Kaufman Forty-four PebbleCreek residents entered the tenth annual Mah Jongg Tournament, held in the Tuscany Falls Clubhouse on March 10. The day consisted of two rounds of play in the morning, followed by a lunch and two rounds of play in the afternoon. All rounds were timed. Rules were based on the National Mah…
Clubs & Classes, April 2016
Arizona Chapter Q appreciates you!
Penny Schneider The members of the Arizona Chapter Q of the National T.T.T. Society extend to the women of PebbleCreek a most sincere note of appreciation for your support of our fourth fashion show event held on Saturday, March 12. The funds generated by our fashion show and luncheon will allow us to send eight…
Clubs & Classes, April 2016
Men’s Christian Fellowship hears “Adoption and the Gospel, a Biblical Foundation for Adoption as Ministry”

Larry Gleason On March 2 the Fellowship heard a very informative presentation on Adoption and the Gospel, A Biblical Foundation for Adoption as Ministry presented by PebbleCreek resident Gerald Clark. Gerald is the author of the book Adoption and the Gospel and he continues to be actively involved in the ministry of adoption. Gerald and his…
Clubs & Classes, April 2016
Railroad time

Mark Pelletier and Chuck Weart Although indeed our club members consider any time to be railroad time, this month we’ll talk about the historical effect which railroads had on timekeeping and railroad time which led to the time zones we have today. Years ago, people’s lives took place in a small area and distant activities…