Nancy Herrem Do Craks, Bams, and Dots mystify you? Do you know when you are allowed to use a Joker? If not, that means you probably haven’t attended one of the classes provided by the Recreational Mah Jongg Club here in PebbleCreek. Many arrived in PebbleCreek knowing how to play the game of Mah Jongg;…
Category: March 2015
Clubs & Classes, March 2015
Bridge Results – March 2015
Non-Sanctioned Duplicate Bridge Gillian Greenwood Non sanctioned Duplicate Bridge is played in the Palm Room at Eagle’s Nest on Mondays at 12.30 p.m. January 5, 2015: N/S 1st Phyllis and Dan Hollihan; 2nd Darlene Finnegan and Patti Murphy tied Dennis Yakobsen and Pat Anselmo E/W 1st Gretchen McDermott and Rosemary Vana; 2nd Toni Say and…
Clubs & Classes, March 2015
PebbleCreek Dog Park is officially open

Kathleen Molony It’s finally really here! The beautiful new dog park at PebbleCreek officially opened Saturday, January 24, 2015. What a wonderful asset to our community. The park got a kick start with a Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting Celebration and vendor fair hosted by the PebbleCreek Dog Park Association. Our HOA President Mr. John Kiekbusch and…
Clubs & Classes, March 2015
Bonne Année 2015 – Le Cercle Francais

Betsy Crosson Bonne Année means Happy New Year in French and 22 members of Le Cercle Français celebrated together in February with a get together at the home of Allen and Betsy Crosson. Perfect PebbleCreek weather allowed members to sit poolside and practice their conversational French and taste various appetizers from the group including ratatouille…
Generals, March 2015
Mulberry St. Lunch Bunch
Clubs & Classes, March 2015
TTT Chapter Q meets and greets our 2015 campers
Judi Moore By now you have attended or heard all the buzz about our February 28 Luncheon and Fashion Show. On Thursday, February 5 the TTT Chapter Q members went to Heritage School for a Meet and Greet with our six campers and their parents. We selected the most deserving six fourth grade girls and…
Clubs & Classes, March 2015
Democratic Club news

Hello, PC Democrats, If you missed the February meeting you missed Doug Nintzel our feature guest speaker. Mr. Nintzel discussed his book and new organization Unity Initiative; for more information please go to Our next scheduled meeting will be on March 4, 2015, at 7:00 p.m. in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. Once again we…
Clubs & Classes, March 2015
Group rebuilds horseshoe pits at Sunrise Park

Vickie Hamilton Thanks to the All American Horseshoe Association of PebbleCreek for recently completing the four regulation horseshoe pits at Sunrise Park in Eagle’s Nest. These gentlemen volunteers worked together as a team to complete the project. It all started three years ago, according to member Ted Ingalls, when Sunrise Park had four original courts.…
Features, March 2015
PebbleCreek resident Ray Hadden runs for City Council

Jim Wilson Ray Hadden, with his wife Beth, has been a neighbor of ours in PebbleCreek since 2002 and is running in the March election for Goodyear City Council. He is the only one of the five candidates who is a PebbleCreek resident. Creekers know him from his appearance in Showtime Productions and PC Singers…
Generals, March 2015
PC Style Show brought fashion, food and fun

Traci Baker For many, there isn’t a better way to start the New Year than taking an up close look at all the latest fashion apparel, handbags, jewelry and accessories for the season. Add in some lovely models, some delicious food and a lot of fun and you’ve got the PebbleCreek 2015 Style Show! This…