Category: Clubs & Classes

Genealogy Club News

Vicky Ferraresi The PebbleCreek Genealogy Club (PCGC) will next meet on Monday, Feb. 10 from 9 a.m. to noon. PCGC meets the second Monday of each month in the Palm Room in the Eagle’s Nest Clubhouse. Meetings start at 9 a.m. with a short business meeting, followed by Tips and Tricks, and then an invited speaker.…

Ceramics Club Featured Artist: Heather Woiwor

Ardell Roberts Heather and Charles Woiwor moved to PebbleCreek about a year ago from Beaverton, Ore. Heather’s father and her stepmother have been snowbirds in PebbleCreek for many years, and Heather and Charles had enjoyed visiting. They eventually decided to sell their business and retire to PebbleCreek. Heather has always been interested in pursuing a…

Camera Club Meeting Is February 10

Lynn Warren Camera Club meetings are held at 6:30 p.m. on the second Monday of the month in the Coyote Room in the Creative Arts Center. Be sure to add this to your calendar and join us for the Feb. 10 meeting, which will feature an update on Artificial Intelligence developments by club Secretary John…

Camera Club Photo of the Month

Lynn Warren The Photo of the Month for February is an impressive close-up of a Mallard on a morning swim at the Gilbert Riparian park. The photo was taken by club member Bob Stout on a recent club outing in the east valley. The image demonstrates great composition and follows the rule of thirds with…

Sewing Club News

Lisa Reichert On Jan. 8, the annual meeting of the PebbleCreek Sewing Club was held to elect new officers for 2025. The new board members are as follows: Co-Presidents are Kathy Brown and JoEllen Cruze, Secretary is Mary Ann Boffey, and Publicity is Lisa Reichert. These ladies are working on a schedule to provide fun…

Mah Jongg Beginners Class

Sue White A beginners Mah Jongg class was held for four weeks in January. The attendees learned how to play the game by learning the names of tiles, how to set up to play the game, and strategies of the game. They played  Mah Jongg on their first day, and each table had a Mah…

T.T.T. Chapter Q Updates

Ronnie Levine Last month Chapter Q initiated new member Phylice Walton and we’re very excited to have her join us. This month we are planning a breakfast ‘meet and greet’ with our fellow PebbleCreek chapter, Chapter P. Then in March we will celebrate Founder’s Day with all three Arizona chapters. We will begin to plan…