Category: February 2018

“I Love Winning!”

Roxie Forrest With our annual Christmas party behind us we are all settling in for a perfect 2018! The weather at PebbleCreek has been wonderful for tennis! A little chilly in the early mornings but by afternoon, warmer temperatures appear and off come the jackets for very comfortable playing. Annual dues are now due. $30…

PCSSA first half coming to a close

Fred Dresser It’s hard to imagine that the first half for the twenty-third season for the PebbleCreek Senior Softball season is almost over. Two hundred thirty-four games are in the books. What started on October 28, 2017 will conclude on January 18. By the time you read this article, the second half will already have…

LifeLong Learning at PebbleCreek

Learning something new in LLL classes Shannon Tyree Did you resolve to learn something new in 2018? How’s that working out for you? I bet if you look at this lineup, something will spark your interest since LLL offers classes on a wide variety of subjects. Complete descriptions about each class is available online at…

Pet of the Month

Mollie is a PebbleCreek girl Hi! My name is Mollie, aka Mollie Tamale since I sure enjoyed the one I counter surfed not long after Ed and Carolyn Dolezal adopted me. I am a ten-year-old Golden Retriever/Border Collie mix. I move like a Border Collie and have the velcro nature of a Golden. I love…

Tom Wattawa achieves zero handicap in Putters Club

Maureen E. Campbell In 2017, Tom Wattawa became the first member to achieve a zero handicap in the PebbleCreek Putters Club. Each week the course layout changes for club putting and consistency in scoring is the challenge for members. Tom accomplished this last year by taking his three handicap down to zero. Tom and his…

PebbleCreek Car Club news

Linda Babcock At their meeting in January, PebbleCreek Car Club members were treated to a presentation by member Don Clinkinbeard on high performance driving techniques. The Arizona Motorsports Park, located just a couple miles from home, is a venue for this high adrenaline hobby. Classes are taught regularly at this track and you can go…

Oncologist at Breast Cancer Group

Rayma Scalzo Have you been recently diagnosed with breast cancer? If so, we would love to have you participate in our Breast Cancer Discussion Group. We also invite you if you are a breast cancer survivor. Your past experience can be helpful to those just beginning the journey. Plus, you might learn some helpful information…

Fifth annual golf equipment drive for The First Tee

Howie Tiger The First Tee of Phoenix will be accepting donations (golf clubs, bags, balls, hats, clothing, shoes, etc.) at Tuscany Falls on Wednesday, March 21 between 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. A collection area will be set up in the Tuscany parking lot adjacent to the pro shop. We’re hoping this year’s drive will…

35 new players register for winter Bocce season

Pat Milich A soaking rainfall followed by above average temperatures in the upper 70s greeted the 584 players on 60 teams who anxiously awaited the start of the PebbleCreek Bocce Association’s Winter Season on Tuesday, January 9, 2018. The day before, on Monday, January 8, Statistician Carol Gwilt conducted a clinic for the 35 new…