Category: February 2015

PebbleCreek Lady Niners news and actions

PCL9GA Board Members, front row, left to right: Suzanne Butler, Patti Halbmaier, Shirley Smith, Karen Morgan; middle: Carol Horan, Brenda Sand, Pat Kaer, Charlotte Krause, Brenda Peterson; back: Lynn Bishop-Piddock, Jane Kelley, Rosemary Holmes, Alberta Hohn, Jacqueline Voccola. Not pictured: Loretta Morris, Anna Schuchman, Kathy Mitchell, Yvonne Harm, Lynn Havens, Jeannie Sherlock, Barbara Brace and Irene Chapman

Suzanne Butler Annual Holiday Luncheon The PebbleCreek Lady Niners annual Holiday Luncheon was held on December 9. It was a Jolly, Holly event that got everyone in the holiday spirit. Social Committee Chairs Lynn Havens and Jeannie Sherlock and the super Social Committee members did a fantastic job with food selection, décor and entertainment. Several…

PCM9GA conducts Two Corners Tournament

All Winners – PCM9GA January 8 Tournament

Erv Stein Our PCM9GA group, with our membership role soaring at the 300 plus level, held our first tournament of the New Year on a nippy yet pleasant January 8 afternoon utilizing our Tuscany Lakes and Falls Golf Courses. Our pairing committee which is never asleep at the wheel with their tournament selection and, this…

Kwanzaa celebration highlights

Carolyn Suttles The seven day celebration of Kwanzaa started December 26, 2014, and ended January 1, 2015. It was a celebration of African American heritage. Each day a principle was featured with speakers relaying their experiences in careers, business, start-up organization and history. The highlight of the celebration was Sunday, December 28, Ujamaa, Collective Work…

Sunday Golfers hold ugly sweater party

Standing, left to right: John Barry, Mary Barry, Jerry White, Terry Johnson, Lee Kitchel, Lloyd Chilton, Barb Chilton, Mike DeMatties, Angelo Fergione and Doug Schlenker; Seated: Virginia Kitchel, Pat DeMatties, Sharon Johnson, Sue White, Liz Fergione and Jackie Schlenker

Sue White On Sunday, December 14 the Fore Play Couples Golf Group gathered after golf at the home of John and Mary Barry for a potluck. Most of the group wore the ugliest Christmas sweater they could find. The ugliest sweater award was given to Sharon Johnson who had a keypunch Christmas tree attached to…

Board meeting minutes

PebbleCreek Homeowners’ Association Board of Directors Meeting. Wednesday, December 17, 2014, Tuscany Falls Ballroom; 11:00 a.m. Present: John Kiekbusch/President/PCHOA, Nancy Wilson Smith/Vice-President/PCHOA, Gregg Clymer/Secretary/PCHOA, Jack Sarsam/Treasurer/PCHOA and George Atwell/Director/PCHOA Call to order and introductions by John Kiekbusch/President/PCHOA Employee of the Month, November, 2014: Mr. Kiekbusch introduced Chef Bernardo Alvear from the Food & Beverage Department. Bernardo was nominated…

Cribbage Club winners

Gary Lind The Cribbage Club meets twice monthly, the first Thursday and the third Friday at 1:00 p.m. in the Sienna Room at Tuscany Falls. The club is open to all PebbleCreek residents interested in playing a friendly game of Cribbage. If you don’t know how to play, but are interested in learning, come join…