Category: January 2025

PCLGA Fundraiser—Pink Out2!

Carole Schumacher For the second consecutive year, Ellen Enright and Margaret Dlouhy have been named the tournament chairwomen for the annual PebbleCreek Ladies Golf Association (PCLGA) fundraiser where our theme will be “Pink Out2!” The flighted afternoon scramble will be held on Jan. 14 on the Tuscany Falls courses and will be for bragging rights…

PCLGA Kicks Off with the Arizona Golfari—Girls Gone Wild!

Carole Schumacher “Arizona Golfari—Girls Gone Wild” was the theme for the PebbleCreek Ladies Golf Association (PCLGA) Kick-Off Tournament in November when the PCLGA ladies were paired in Giraffe foursomes at Tuscany West and Zebra foursomes at Eagle’s Nest to shamble their way through the Arizona desert to the finish line before lunch at the clubhouse.…

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun in the Battle of the Creek!

Carole Schumacher The annual PebbleCreek Ladies Golf Association (PCLGA) Senior/Super Senior Tournament will be held Tuesday, Feb. 11 at Eagle’s Nest, and Saturday, Feb. 15 at Tuscany Falls with 8:30 a.m. shotgun starts both days. Co-chairs for this year’s tournament are Glenda Spohr and Michelle Cattin, joined by committee members Jackie Goupil and Denise Gardner.…

PCLGA Member Guest Tournament 2025

Bev Clinton Ahoy, Mateys! Pam Volm has done a terrific job of getting a committee together and work is well underway on one of the PebbleCreek Lady Golf Association’s major tournaments of the year, the much-loved Member Guest. This year it will be a two-day event on Monday, April 7 and Tuesday, April 8. The…

Congratulations to Mary Coon!

Carole Schumacher It’s not everyone who gets to have a birthday party in the Eagle’s Nest Ballroom, but Mary Coon deserved it! During the PCLGA’s 2024-25 kick-off luncheon on Nov. 12, the ladies congratulated Mary as a guest of honor for her 96th birthday. “It was so nice to see so many of my golfing…

Cheer On the PebbleCreek Desert Diamonds

Dawn Hangen The PebbleCreek women’s softball team, Desert Diamonds, managed by Dawn Hangen, begin their season Jan. 5, visiting Sun City. Game time is 2:30 p.m. at Sun City Bowl Field, 10220 N 107th Ave. Come on out to cheer and support your fellow “Creekers” and enjoy an afternoon at the ballpark! We have several…

PCM9GA Conducts Gala 2024 Holiday Season Party

Erv Stein Our PCM9GA, founded in 2005, just celebrated our holiday season with a truly outstanding Holiday Luncheon Party conducted on Dec. 2 at the Tuscany Falls Ballroom. More than 135 members and guests enjoyed the truly festive event with exciting activities such as numerous raffle ticket winner gift baskets and $100 cash awards and…

PCM9GA’s Welcome Back Snowbirds Tournament

Erv Stein Our PebbleCreek Men’s Nine-Hole Golf Association (PCM9GA) group was founded way back in 2005 and now with our ever-increasing membership of over 400, we conducted a Welcome Back Snowbirds Scramble Tournament on Nov. 21, utilizing both the front and back nine of our Eagle’s Nest 18-hole course. The annual seasonal exodus of many…

Card Scores

Cribbage Club The Cribbage Club meets Thursdays at 1 p.m. in the Tuscany Falls Sienna Room. The club is open to all PebbleCreek residents interested in playing a friendly game of cribbage. If you have a cribbage board and deck of cards, please bring them with you. On Oct. 24 Randy Rohwer had a 28…