Patrol Dispatched Alarms All Other 4 Animal Rules 6 Animals Lost & Found 6 Auto Accidents 3 Barking Dog 2 Bee Complaints 0 Debris On Road 2 Damage to Property 1 Dead Animal Pickup 13 Disabled Vehicle 0 Disturbance 2 Dust Dirt Complaint 1 Flat Tire Assistance 2 Gate Malfunctions 17 Golf Cart Tow 17 Golf Course Rules 1 Holiday Decoration Violations 2 Home Owner/Guest Assistance 14 House Vacation Watch 179 Jump…
Category: January 2020
Clubs & Classes, January 2020
PC Quilters Commit to Community Service

Marlene Kuskie The PebbleCreek Quilters organization is committed to promoting fellowship among quilters and to initiate programs and workshops. These programs and workshops will inspire and assist in the sharing of knowledge and ideas with fellow quilters while distributing various items to local charities. This mission and purpose of the organization was in action recently…
Clubs & Classes, January 2020
PebbleCreek Women Gather to Address Christmas Cards to Prison Inmates

On Dec. 3, more than 30 women gathered in PebbleCreek to remember our neighbors at Perryville Prison. There are about 4,000 inmates at Perryville, and many of these women have little family support and appreciate encouragement from the outside. Every woman who attended addressed 30 Christmas cards and wrote a personal greeting in each. We sent…
Sports, January 2020
Bocce News

Carolyn Rota, public relations Where does the time go? Happy 2020 everyone. If you haven’t already made your team reservation for the Jan. 5 meeting/potluck, time is running out. There is only room for 310 people—31 tables of ten. Contact Mary Ann Bose at [email protected] or 602-478-8747 to sign up and for more information. Also at…