If you can picture yourself here–as a PebbleCreek Single–then, violá! You’ll be the next PebbleCreek Single masterpiece! I’ve got you in my line of sight! Are you striking a pose?
Shawnee Robison
When three of our PebbleCreek Singles entered the Board and Brush Shop in Glendale, their eyes beheld a fabulous sight! A beautiful, modern, airy, classroom-style shop with long work tables and chairs ready for action! The walls were filled with a collection of original boards done by students, instructors and the owners, Denise Clark and Kristyn Zummallen!
Touché, ladies! Our very own creative, do it yourselfer Activities Director Kathy Weldon said she could hardly wait to get started designing her Merry Christmas board! Janet Moxham and Cindi Sokoloff, pictured, with Kathy, were equally excited to make their pre-selected boards come to life as well! What you see above are their finished products! Great job, girls!
How exciting to know that you just crafted something so beautiful and useful with your own two hands in only two and a half hours! Incredible! That’s what makes being a PebbleCreek Singles Club member so much fun! We find our palettes overflowing with colorful ideas to try every day! From artistry to eateries, we circumvent the county, dipping our brushes in as many pots as our daring, artistic, craftsmen can squeeze out for us!
If you’re a budding Picasso, a single PebbleCreek homeowner, renter or a snowbird, enjoy dining out, attending local concerts and plays, bowling, golf, popular card and table games, hiking and creating something new—grab your brushes, a canvas and strike a pose at the next monthly meeting of the Pebble Creek Singles Club!
It takes place in the Tuscany Falls Ballroom on the first Sunday of every month! The doors open at 2:15 p.m., then New Member sign-ups begin at 2:30 and the members and their guests sign up for the well-designed calendar of events and activities our Master Artistes have created for us! The focal point of the day begins promptly at 3:00 p.m.! Framing the afternoon at 4:00 p.m. is the continuation of the camaraderie, friendship and socializing across the way in the Long Drive Lounge. Then we’re off, like a stroke of the brush, to a pre-determined venue for a delightful Dutch meal of your choice! (A different venue each month.)
There’s more than meets the eye as a PebbleCreek Single! If you’d like a sneak peek into the fastest growing, single, adult, nonprofit, charity supporting and community-oriented organization in PebbleCreek, just dance those pinkies across those keys and type: pebblecreeksingles.com on your keyboard, click on the Menu icon, top left corner, then click on what interests you! (Club activities, events, etc.)
More information? Contact the connoisseur of PebbleCreek Singles President Frank Rodgers at [email protected].